Speaking as someone that was in the Halo 3 Beta and is currently in the COD 4 Beta my opinions on the two games are as follows
Halo 3 Beta-, Gameplay felt very balanced and smooth, Graphics where very clean and nice also although not that much upgraded from Halo 2 but still looked very nice nonetheless. Valhalla was a horrible map and very boring. Snowbound was really good and EXCELLENT For "Crazy King"(King of the hill match) and ofcourse last but not least High Ground, By far the best map out of the three and I think I speak for the other Beta testers on that one. Overall Halo 3 felt very smooth and polished, gameplay was fun, weapons smooth, great matchmaking system. overall I give it a 9.0
COD4 Beta-Excellent Frame rate at a very smooth 60 FPS. From the moment you are at the start screen and you press the "A" button and select the Xbox live option from the main menu and the moment you hear that awesome voice say "Lets Do This" you know are you in for a very very engaging, intense and amazing multiplayer game. Sound effects so good that if you listen to black hawk down on Surrond sound and you go back and play COD 4 on surrond sound, you will not be able to tell a difference, Im even going to say that COD 4 sound effects sound a bit better than Black Hawk Down movie, yes they are that good! The Map "Overgrown" is by far the worst map, vacant is ok and Crash is amazing. Infact Crash is one of the best FPS multiplayer maps ive ever played. Overall the game could use some work in the balancing department and needs work with clipping. the weapons feel real and smooth and everytime you get promoted it feels extremely good and highly addicting and overall COD 4 is downright amazing. My score- 9.5
so there you have it. A completly unbias opinion on both Betas.. Discuss
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