I just started to play Moon again for zombies and shangri la. Also for the very first time, I started to talk on the mic with people so I can communicate, use teamwork and get to a high round. I was disgusted by how many kids where on the mic. I found no adults, older than 18 playing the game. I really had to wonder why the parents allow their kids to play a over 18 game. Dont they really care? Anyway, I am serious with this but the youngest player I found on was a 6 year old which is a no joke. And the oldest I found was a 15 year old. Also 80% players were playing the game casually and werent really good. Also I found alot of kids who werent talking had '98' '97' at the end of their gamertag which makes me think they were born on 1998. I never came across a single kid on battlefield, at least on the pc which I game on. My Question is do any adults/mature people still play call of duty or have they moved on to other games? I was really expecting some guys I could chat to and game and have fun like I do with left 4 dead. Anyway, anyonr agree?
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