Might contain a little spoiler
For anyone that is still on the edge of getting this game trust me this game is great. I have played for about 4 hours into the campaign currently on chapter 4 on german soils. I mean the first three levels were great. Imagine running through a battle field on a beach with tanks and flame thrower with snipers perched in trees shooting at you. The AI is great enemies will attack you from all sides and even run at you with a sword from behind. The graphics are definitely better than COD 4 but the one bad thing about COD WAW is that there is barely any new innovation. Most of the new stuff comes in the MP but as for single player still plays like COD4 but in WW 2. The Audio is great with a lot of good acting. (Mostly thanks to Keifer Sutherland) Honestly guys even though this might be a WW 2 game they did this game so well that it is definitly worth 60 bucks. I would defineitly say right now the single player is a lot better than resistance 2 and I love resistance 2. Hope to see many of you guys on it.
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