This thread will be updated as more information comes my way
If there is an area you would like me to address in this comparison, please make a comment on the assosiated blog entry in my GameSpot profile. I will try to address all that you ask for :) Thank you! Click Here To Post a Comment
Change Log
Nov 5th
- Completed X360 Multiplayer portion - level 40 - #17 on the Leaderboard for Global Kills - #31 for score - #47 for wins
- Added short summary about X360 version of multiplayer
Current Items being compared: Retail Copy of CoD4 for the 360 AND COD4 Demo for the PC (Graphics capped at medium)
Article Version: Initial Release
360 setup: 40in Samsung 71F series w. 25,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio, component cables, XBox 360 Premium, XBL Subscription, 700watt Sony 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound System
PC Setup: Components in signature. 22in Samsung SyncMaster 226 BW, Sennheiser HD 280 Pro Headphones
As some of you know, I usually pick up multiplats on both the 360 and the PC. Why? I'm crazy like that, I personally personally testing both versions to see which of the two is the better overall experiance.
In previous comparisions, I found that Bioshock for the PC and 360 was pretty much identical, however due to superb sound in the game I ended up playing it on the 360. Simply because I had a better surround sound system on my home theatre. However, the bottom line was, I felt the 'best' was subjective based on the setup a person had.
With the Orange Box, the differences were too many to list. The bottom line was, the PC version was superior - which was obvious due to the fact that the games were intially designed with PCs in mind. It was a great game for someone who had never played HL2 before, and happened to have a 360 - but the praise ended there. The 360 controls on Portal killed much of the experiance. The horrible P2P connection ****of TF2, couples with a 16 person player cap, fewer servers to choose from, and the lack of custom player maps made it the red headed stepchild compared to the PC. While all the while, the HL2, episode 1 and episode 2 were great for those who lacked a gaming PC.
Hypothesis: I think it would be intelligent to say that the PC version will have the upper hand in just above every aspect of COD4, simply because the COD series by Infinity Ward has always a PC game first, and a console game second (COD3 was not made by IW). This coupled with the enormous fanbase on the PC, it would not be suprising if extra care was put into the PC version. This probably sounds quite biased, and it is.
However, since I am an achievement whore. I will more then likely play it once through on the PC on normal difficulty. Then play it through on veteran difficulty on the 360 to unlock achievement. I will also likely play the arcade mode through, for even more achievement unlocks :P
The Comparison
XBox 360 Multiplayer - Let me just put it this way. This is the best FPS multiplayer game there is, hands down. I will go into more detail after analyzing the PC portion, however rest assured this is one of the best FPS online experiances ever. Frankly, it puts Halo 3's (or Halo 2.5) to shame in this department. Solid 60 FPS, with pretty great graphics - though some of the maps have muddy textures. Overall, the game is good enough to almost forget about the graphics anyways.
I played roughly 15 hours online. Got to level 40. Hit #17 on the global leaderboards for most kills, next to the IW people :P So ya, I figure I have essested it enough.
More as I try out the PC version, which should be soon. I'm waiting to see if it is coming out on Steam, which rumor is alludeing to (and I am hoping for).
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