I got this game about a month ago and haven been playing on a regular basis every since. After playing for a reasonable amount of time, I've come to the conclusion that this game is the most glitched filled sports game I've ever played. The momentum in the game is way overdone and can utterly make the game unplayable. If your opponent has the momentum going on, you have no chance in hell of winning the game. There were times the other team had the Mo going on and I couldn't even make a layup for long periods at a time.
Furthermore, the game is so inconsistent. There are times where I will hit 3 pointers with ease all over the court but can't make an easy layup. The last game I played online, my opponent went to the free throw line 22 times and I went to it 4 times.
Another problem I have with the game are the animations. Although I think they make the game look great and realistic, they often get in the way of the actually quality of the gameplay. There are times that the animations make you lose control over your players thus blowing a big play.
There are countless other glitches but I'm sure most of you know what they are. What is it with 2ksports? IMO it seems that most of their sports games are glitch fests.
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