K, I am an admitted Lemming, I love my 360 (I also own a wii and maybe a PS3 in the future if there are games to bring me over).
I mean will we see more at TGS?? I keep waiting for something new. E3 came and they gave me updates of games I already knew were coming. I understood the logic, they wanted to hype the Holiday. A great holiday at that.
Then came the pre TGS conference. I had high hopes. All I ended up with was NG2 (would have been a much better treat had screens not been leaked a day or 2 before) and updated info on Infinate Undiscovery.
I mean, I am sorry, but I miss the days when something big was unleashed (whatever happened to Banjo 3 anyway), I want to see brand new games to get me excited and it just does not seem to be happening. Hell there is not even new news on games like Alan Wake or Alone in the Dark.
I keep waiting for a breakthrough announcement, something new with XBL, a new game, SOMETHING!!
Just me?????
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