Thats right. But before you go all crazy on me, its only one section of each game, so bear with me.
I'm sure most of you have played Bioshock, and were absolutely astonished by Sander Cohen's level and his madness.
For those disappointed (or not) wii owners who played Red Steel, remember that guy in the Games District who ran an underground, illegal wierd game of death thing named Tsuo? Well, hes oddly similar to Sander Cohen. Let me explain:
- in the very start of each level, your advisor (Bioshock: Atlas, Red Steel: Red-haired American guy) says, "...However, I hear ____ is a real nutjob. Better watch out."
- They are both testing you. (Sander Cohen wants you to murder 3 men, Tsuo wants you to complete his games)
- Human-like statues are riddled throughout the Atrium, and there are TONS of mannekins in Tsuo's gamehouse.
- Both have the same symbol: The Bunny
- In the end, when each finally show their face, their is a celebration. (Confetti falling, music)
- Theyre both really, really crazy lol
Before you fanboys start to bombard me with, "HOWZ CAN U CUMPARE DES 2 GAMZ", I never actually said that one of them copied the other. I just was playing both games a couple days ago and I noticed how those parts are oddly similar.
Don't believe me? Then play them BOTH before you go crazy on me
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