Halo 3 made the news here in southern california on channel fox 11 called halo hype which showed gamers lining up for the midnight release in universal walk at gamestop. Never has a game made it on the news here though the consoles launch were covered on this channel... Nice job bungie and microsoft you got the attention of gamers I guess, but I hope you guys aren't gonna rely on this one game to help you win this gen. This year maybe but not this gen.
Halo 3 made the news here in southern california on channel fox 11 called halo hype which showed gamers lining up for the midnight release in universal walk at gamestop. Never has a game made it on the news here though the consoles launch were covered on this channel... Nice job bungie and microsoft you got the attention of gamers I guess, but I hope you guys aren't gonna rely on this one game to help you win this gen. This year maybe but not this gen.fistoflight
Bioshock, Halo 3, Mass Effect, UT3, SC: Conviction, Orange Box, Ninja Gaiden 2, Gears of War 2, Fable 2, GTA 4....I don't think many 360 fans are worried.
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