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Seems like you already hated your console and are just trying to start another 200 post flame war of the same lame arguments by the same group of people
What do you guys think? ShoTTyMcNaDeSNothing new. Did you just realise this because you needed a new PC?
I think your logic is flawless.
Why buy two seperate electronic appliances when 1 can do both jobs just as well if not better?
Also, a good gaming rig TODAY will carry you well into the next generation fo games.
And finally, no one with half a brain will pick up the new consoles right away. Most will wait for atleast some fo the bugs to be worked out, and for the library fo games to get better. So at best, you'll be able to save money and still enjoy 99% of next gen game son your PC + some cool PC exclusives. And at worst, in 3 years you'll spend $250 on a console to supplement your PC gaming.
Don't see anything wrong with your decision really.
So I have been doing alot of thinking lately and I have come to the decision that it simply isn't going to make any sense for me to buy into the Next XBOX, PS4 or the WiiU. I am getting to the point where my desktop PC is going to be needing to be replaced soon as it is a retail bought 6 year old Gateway. I figure the money I would spend to replace that desktop plus whatever I would put into a new console could by me one nice gaming PC that also gives me alot of other everyday fuctionality besides gaming. Then throw in the fact that PC games are less expensive in general, almost all of the big third party games come to PC and console and the massive PC catalog cannot be touched by the consoles. I simply see that the console makers will try and make their systems compete with the PC for gaming prowess and that will make them more expensive and still basically singular in purpose. What do you guys think? ShoTTyMcNaDeS
When it comes to priorities, the PC usually comes first because the non-gaming tasks are essential to me in the real world. When gaming comes into the picture, that's where the choices branch off to either console or PC. That's left to individual tastes.
Me? I've always had PC gaming come first and then added a console (usually Nintendo) to complement it. It's a given we'll have a WiiU. The cycle continues.
Build a rig now.
Wait a year or two after the consoles have launched and they've ironed out the kinks,prices have dropped and their libraries have grown to a respectable size.
Make your decision then.
If you don't find that buying a console would be worth your money, don't buy one.
You still would have your PC to fall back on.
I thought about not buying into next gen of consoles myself. BUT there is NO way I can get my gaming fix with just pc. I just dont connect my gaming needs with pc..dont feel right to me.PLUS I would not want to miss out on the next LBP,Twisted Metal,SSX,KZ,Mario,Halo,and other games only found on console.
I think that Dark Souls, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Tales of Vesperia, Blue Dragon are my top RPGs this generation and none is on PC
Also Witcher 2 which is on xbox 360
In short, if i only had a PC i would have only half or less the amazing games to play comparing to xbox 360
That means i will instantly go for xbox 720 when it arrives and not for PC
I think you're thinking to much about this.
Buy the platform with the games you want to play, don't turn around and try to justify your purchase to anybody.
That goes for the rest of you guys.
This, though i'll be going into next gen primarily as a PC gamer, i'll still follow the games i want and get the console they're on if need be.
I think your logic is flawless.
Why buy two seperate electronic appliances when 1 can do both jobs just as well if not better?
Also, a good gaming rig TODAY will carry you well into the next generation fo games.
And finally, no one with half a brain will pick up the new consoles right away. Most will wait for atleast some fo the bugs to be worked out, and for the library fo games to get better. So at best, you'll be able to save money and still enjoy 99% of next gen game son your PC + some cool PC exclusives. And at worst, in 3 years you'll spend $250 on a console to supplement your PC gaming.
Don't see anything wrong with your decision really.
PC though does not have any of console only games like Dark Souls, JRPGs and hundreds more
Also if someone buys a PC today, will be obsolete in 3 years and xbox 720 with late 2013 custom hardware will be a huge lot stronger too and will be relevant for 8 years since will actually be used by developers
Like people that got a 7800GTX SLI in 2005 now cant even start Witcher 2 or Crysis 2, while 360 runs them looking beyond spactacular and with steady frame rates
I think PC is the worst investment in gaming, xbox clearly can replace PC and offer the whole range of console only games that PC never gets
Why go through 3 PC upgrades to get same results, than just a 199$ xbox 360 for example ?
That is good and all but having a console to compliment the PC if you have the time/money to make it worth it is great.
Don't struggle to defend your purchase or try to talk yourself into buying something you are unsure of. Just enjoy what you will. Ride the consoles and that PC out till you feel like you need to change something, then go from there.
I think your logic is flawless.
Why buy two seperate electronic appliances when 1 can do both jobs just as well if not better?
Also, a good gaming rig TODAY will carry you well into the next generation fo games.
And finally, no one with half a brain will pick up the new consoles right away. Most will wait for atleast some fo the bugs to be worked out, and for the library fo games to get better. So at best, you'll be able to save money and still enjoy 99% of next gen game son your PC + some cool PC exclusives. And at worst, in 3 years you'll spend $250 on a console to supplement your PC gaming.
Don't see anything wrong with your decision really.
PC though does not have any of console only games like Dark Souls, JRPGs and hundreds more
Also if someone buys a PC today, will be obsolete in 3 years and xbox 720 with late 2013 custom hardware will be a huge lot stronger too and will be relevant for 8 years since will actually be used by developers
Like people that got a 7800GTX SLI in 2005 now cant even start Witcher 2 or Crysis 2, while 360 runs them looking beyond spactacular and with steady frame rates
I think PC is the worst investment in gaming, xbox clearly can replace PC and offer the whole range of console only games that PC never gets
Why go through 3 PC upgrades to get same results, than just a 199$ xbox 360 for example ?
Oh look! It's loosingENDS!
The PC has more games, better games (based on ratings), more genres, better visuals and more options in terms of controls, mod-ability, expansions and customizability. While we all know you have a fetish like obsession with Fable 2 and the Xbox games might have been ideally suited to your particular preferences, but the PC still offers more, better and more diverse games.
While I've seen nothing to show if Witcher 2 could be run on 2 x 7800 GTX cards (It's pretty likely that it's have the horse power to do so), you are talking about a very old card. Expecting modern games to run on 5-6 year old obsolete hardware is no more reasonable than expecting games for the Xbox 720 (or whatever the name will be) to work on the Xbox360. So sure if TC was looking to buy a new PC using 5-6 year old parts, then he'd probably be better off buying a console.
If you buy a X360 today it'll already be obsolete today due to it's ancient hardware. In 1-2 years it'll be complete abandoned. If you buy a PC today with decent specs, chances are that you'll be able to run games will for at least 2-3 years and able to double that by replacing a video card for a couple of hundred once a couple of years passes.
Buying a X360today makes only slightly more sense than buying a 5 year old PC today.
Im doing the same, except right now. I'll be upgrading my PC to the point where i can play everything on ultra. I'll keep my PS3 to play games that are console exclusive.
well, since you need a new PC anyways, then it does sound like a good idea.
Besides, consoles drop in price fairly fast, so it would not be impossible to buy a console a year or two into the next console cycle if there are exclusives on any of the consoles that grabs your attention.
I think that Dark Souls, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Tales of Vesperia, Blue Dragon are my top RPGs this generation and none is on PC
Also Witcher 2 which is on xbox 360
In short, if i only had a PC i would have only half or less the amazing games to play comparing to xbox 360
That means i will instantly go for xbox 720 when it arrives and not for PC
We get it, you don't like PC games. I think everyone on the forums understands that. Just some advice, when you want to brag about a game being on consoles, don't choose the game that was released a year earlier on PC, and has been graphically lowered to be playable on consoles. That might help your case.
You know, I have a theoryon why you hate the PC so much. I think maybe you had some sort of traumatic childhood experience with one, and are using silly excuses to justify your hate. But, that's just my theory :P
PS: Half the games you listed weren't recent at all, so I don't know why you're basing your interest in a console that will come out in a few years off of games that came out 4 years ago.
I think that Dark Souls, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Tales of Vesperia, Blue Dragon are my top RPGs this generation and none is on PCloosingENDSAre you seriously saying Fable 2 is better than The Witcher EE? :D Oh and Xenoblade Chronicles puts all of those JRPGs (excluding Dark Souls which is on PS3 anyways) to utter shame. And i played it 1080p native on my PC.
Dude, you spell of as of, not fo.I think your logic is flawless.
Why buy two seperate electronic appliances when 1 can do both jobs just as well if not better?
Also, a good gaming rig TODAY will carry you well into the next generation fo games.
And finally, no one with half a brain will pick up the new consoles right away. Most will wait for atleast some fo the bugs to be worked out, and for the library fo games to get better. So at best, you'll be able to save money and still enjoy 99% of next gen game son your PC + some cool PC exclusives. And at worst, in 3 years you'll spend $250 on a console to supplement your PC gaming.
Don't see anything wrong with your decision really.
I think your logic is flawless.
Why buy two seperate electronic appliances when 1 can do both jobs just as well if not better?
Also, a good gaming rig TODAY will carry you well into the next generation fo games.
And finally, no one with half a brain will pick up the new consoles right away. Most will wait for atleast some fo the bugs to be worked out, and for the library fo games to get better. So at best, you'll be able to save money and still enjoy 99% of next gen game son your PC + some cool PC exclusives. And at worst, in 3 years you'll spend $250 on a console to supplement your PC gaming.
Don't see anything wrong with your decision really.
PC though does not have any of console only games like Dark Souls, JRPGs and hundreds more
Also if someone buys a PC today, will be obsolete in 3 years and xbox 720 with late 2013 custom hardware will be a huge lot stronger too and will be relevant for 8 years since will actually be used by developers
Like people that got a 7800GTX SLI in 2005 now cant even start Witcher 2 or Crysis 2, while 360 runs them looking beyond spactacular and with steady frame rates
I think PC is the worst investment in gaming, xbox clearly can replace PC and offer the whole range of console only games that PC never gets
Why go through 3 PC upgrades to get same results, than just a 199$ xbox 360 for example ?
As I sat here reading this post I was thinking about how stupid this person was. Then I looked at the username and everything made sense. The person posting this is stupid.Why don't you just do both?
If you buy at the right places and build your own PC, you can shave hundreds off and still be able to keep up with all the best games on the highest settings. I mean, the 8800 still runs most games today on decent settings when it released early on this gen.
Why don't you just do both?SPYDER0416Indeed. PC & PS3 has been a terrific system combo to own this gen. PC will always stay my number 1 but I always have some console as well.
Some people have money. People like you, don't.So you're going from a $200 console to a $1000 PC? :lol:
[QUOTE="FashionFreak"]Some people have money. People like you, don't.So you're going from a $200 console to a $1000 PC? :lol:
I have personally spend around $1200 or so this gen on my PC.
Mainly because the amount of games that come out for the PC just dwarfs the size of the console library.
I mean cows and lemmings are fighting over what, the difference between 5 and 6 exclusives on their consoles last year?
There's about a dozen brand new exclusive games that just came out for the PC within the last two weeks alone. And that's just what's on Steam. Who knows just how many indie projects have been released in that time frame.
The value a PC brings gaming-wise is just nasty compared to consoles let alone the other thousand features a PC is capable of.
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