Now ive been here for sometime, and ive been involved in other sites. i see the same things happen over and over again. whenever theres any thread that has anything to do with the pc, or pc gaming, or pc gaming v the consoles. console gamers always set a double standard for the consoles and the pc. Also notice im saying console gamers and not just fanboys, this applies to pretty much every console gamer even if theyre not a fanboy. they choose the consoles over the pc but still have a double standard when asked why.
also this is not a pc v console thread, nor am i trying to get you to game on a pc. im just trying to understand why theres such a double standard for people.
1. Value - console owners bicker back and forth about the price of the consoles and people always come back with the value wether it be the ps3s price, xbox LIVE, w.e they always pull the value card. yet anytime the pc is involved it doesnt matter how much extra it does its still expensive. or none of the extra matters for gaming. so why is it ok to say the ps3 is worth it because of the value but ignore a pcs value and only look at the price?
2. graphics - ps3 and 360 owners constantly argue about what system has the better graphics when the differences between multiplats and even exclusives are so minor its hardly even worth mentioning. maybe some better textures here or one more light here or some AA there. and im talking about graphics as in the tech behind it. since you cant compare visuals aka the way a game looks. its all subjective. back to the point. then how come when pc gamers talk about multiplats having better graphics even though its usually a big increase such as higher resolutions,better textures, and some better lighting and a longer draw distance (which if im not mistaken is quite a bit more than the only difference being the amount of AA or some textures) how come automatically its so minor its not even worth discussing?
2. upgrading - this is the biggest one to me. the biggest reason people give for gaming on a console over a pc is upgrading. "i dont want to have to upgrade all the time" so how come its ok if you have to buy a new system every so many years? its no different than upgrading, and it occurs just as often. example if you bought a pc in 2006 guess what? itll still play games. and if you bought highmid - enthusiest level hardware itll run on settings as good if not better than the consoles (may be the same but at a higher res), so you still wont NEED an upgrade unless you want better graphics than the consoles. which brings me to the next double standard
3.how come the pc has to play games at the highest settings but consoles dont? consoles start off playing games on high at 720p for this gen. were already at games running at the equivelent of medium or medium high settings. but yet when people compare the pc they always say something like "oh you need a $1000 pc to play games" then when countered they turn to "yeah well that $450 pc isnt going to max out crysis at 1080p 60fps" or something to that extent. so why is that nessacery? why is it ok for the consoles to run a game at medium yet a comparable pc has to run it on max?
4.hackers - this is a minor one really. one arguement i see is that the pc is full of hackers. but yet every day theres always someone talking about glitchers and people exploiting things on the consoles. which is the same thing. so why is it ok for the console gamers but such a huge deal on the pc?
5. piracy - this is the final one. everyone loves claiming pc games dont sell or pc gaming is dying due to piracy. although if you look at any real statistic the numbers for games pirated on consoles and pc is equal for the user base (consoles have a smaller user base thus a smaller population of pirates) so i ask how come on the pc its such a huge deal to people (even though games still sell millions and most of the time sell as well as the consoles versions do) on the pc yet not an issue on the consoles? also about sales why do people lump the ps3 and 360 sales against the pc? two against one?
im just trying to see why poeple hold such double standards for the platforms. if youre a console gamer good for you im not trying to convince you otherwise. just trying to figure this out.
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