For us gamers lacking insider information, the best way to get to the truth is not to read what the professionals say. These professionals, whether they work for Sony or Microsoft or Nintendo, can be as biased anyone here in this forum. So, what is the best way to get to the truth? The answer lies in looking at the games already released and in looking at what the big boys (Nintendo, Sony, Mirosoft, and big publishers) do.
When it comes to the truth, actions speak louder than words. Assuming most of us already agree that the PS3 is home of console graphics kings, let's examine the actions of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft with respect to the graphics war.
Nintendo had promised to WOW us with good graphics when the Wii was released. Instead, it made us disgust. Since the Wii, can't produce HD graphics, Nintendo came to this generation admitting defeat in the graphics war. So, no need to discuss further.
Sony bragged about 4D graphics, 1080p, and 120 fps. Sony failed to deliver on all counts. However, Sony clearly believes it has the most powerful console this generation. It invested heavily in first and second party developers and was willing to spend the money to create the most technically impressive games in the living room. As a result, when gamers think about the console with the graphics kings, they think about the PS3: Killzone 2,Uncharted 2, God of War 3, all AAA titles.. With continued investments by Sony, more graphics kings can be expected to come to the PS3. We can expect the PS3 to be home of the 3D graphics kings as well, juding by Sony's investments in 3D.
Microsoft learned early that on paper, the PS3 could be more powerful, but since the PS3 was so difficult to work with during the early years, Microsoft took the opportunity to claim on its website that Xbox 360 is the more powerful console. Early games proved Microsoft right. But after the release of Killzone 2, Microsoft's insecurity set in. no longer claims Xbox 360 as the most powerful console. As gamers start to believe that the PS3 may indeed be more powerful than the 360, Microsoft released previews of Alan Wake and Halo Reach, giving its fans ammunition to fight the graphics war. Both of these games were supposed to use all of the 360's power. Unfortunately, based on Alan Wakes's release and Halo Reach's demo, the 360's power is not enough for the likes of Killzone 2 or Uncharted 2 or God of War 3.
While actions speak louder than words, inaction can speak just as loud. Since Alan Wake and Halo Reach's demo, Microsoft has done nothing to show that it intends to fight Sony in the grahics war. Microsoft's inaction to compete aganst Sony in the graphics war and in 3D, proves to me, without a doubt, that Microsoft believes Xbox 360 is the inferior console.You see, Microsoft is a fierce competitor. It is willing to lose billions and billions just keep fighting the search war with Google. But, why, oh why, doesn't Microsoft spend a hundred million or so to make a game that can once and for all prove that the 360 can match the PS3 in power?
The obvious answer, ladies and gentlemen, is that Microsoft no longer wants to fight in a war it knows it will lose. Microsoft has given up the graphics war.
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