I was just looking at the current state of the 3 next gen consoles and it's like this
Nintendo Wii:34.55 Million Worldwide as of September 30th 2008(that was the current statistic i saw on wikipedia) Retail Price:($249)
Xbox 360:28 Million Worldwide as of January 5th 2009($199)Arcade ($299)60gb ($399)Elite 120gb
Playstation 3:20 Million as of January 2009($399)80gb and a newly introduced ($499)160gb
Xbox 360 has an 8 Million lead on ps3 obviously because of the extra year
The Wii is ridiculous launching with ps3 and is in 1st place comfortably!
I am assuming with the current state of the consoles if no price drop is initiated, My estimated projection would be
Nintendo Wii sells around 17.23million world wide this year(just an estimate)
Xbox 360 sells around 12Million world wide this year(due to great price+great game library)(ESTIMATE)
Playstation 3-Now this is i cant really give an estimate because i am not sure if there will be a price drop come March. Now Assuming there is no price drop all year(very unlikely) but lets assume ps3 should sell around 7million
Now in the event of a price drop, let's say around $100 on both models i would say from 7million ps3 would sell 12milion maybe more! A price drop would be very profitable for ps3 because there r a lot of great games coming out this year
The Number say it all! and i have made a few assumptions based precvious sales etc.! Thoughts?
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