Killzone 2
Killzone 2: Blu-ray is necessity, not luxury
Posted: Oct. 16, 2007
Ter Heide explains:
It is not a luxury to have Blu-ray, but rather a necessity, as compression only gets you so far. [...] Also having the CELL and SPUs means we can offload all of our physics processing to an SPU, or process AI using the SPU's. All this processing power just means we can add more detail and create that Hollywood-type realism we're after.
PSM reveals seven Killzone 2 secrets
Nov. 21, 2007
This is just stating briefly that the PlayStation Magazine (PSM) will reveal some juicy details of the next generation Killzone. If I get my hands on the copy I'll publish the juicy details that this article won't tell you.
"According to Play3-Live, developers will be working on downloadable content after Killzone 2 hits shelves. Environments will be destructible, so expect walls to crumble and vehicles to break down. The "Hit Response System" will also be included in the game and promises realistic hit recognition."
SCEA: Killzone 2 open beta by 2008
Posted: Nov. 29, 2007
"This announcement confirms the past rumors that had been cropping up. The most prominent of which being Guerrilla Games lead tester Seb Downie's post at the Killzone 2 forums. Like Armour, Downie stressed the point that the devs would need to run an open beta to help them debug Killzone's online mode."
Killzone 2: Fact Meets Fiction
Posted: July 24, 2007
This is just comparing the targeted pre-rendered version to the actual game play we saw at E3 2007.
Deferred Rendering in Killzone 2
This is just looking at how they can display such beautiful graphics and more. If you want to look at the pictures in the PDF file without opening it I have copied them to my images section Killzone 2.
Kikizo Direct Feed E3
Posted: June 8, 2005
This was the footage that they claimed at first game play but later on revealed it was the pre-rendered version of what they wanted to achieve. In other words it was a marketing strategy for people to notice Killzone 2.
E3 2007 Trailer HD
Posted: July 11, 2007
This is the actually game play footage that many people were talking about how they couldn't achieve.
Target Render vs. Real-time Comparison HD
Posted: July 11, 2007
This is looking at the pre-rendered and real game play side by side.
GC Killzone 2 present. 1 (2) / GC Killzone 2 present. 2 (2)
Posted: Aug. 31, 2007
Both of these videos are located on the bottom right of the list of games just above "GC ET: Quake Wars presentation..."
Killzone 2: New gameplay footage, developer video
Posted: Aug. 13, 2007
This is just looking at the development with Steven Ter Heide (Producer) and Herman Hulst
Killzone 2 Video Feature 2
Posted: Aug. 24, 2007
This is just looking at another demonstration but looking at game play the whole entire time.
E3 2007 Demo Conclusion HD
Posted: July 14, 2007
This is just showing you how they finished the demo at E3.
Related Blog(s): Part I-I, Part I-II, Part II-I, Part II-II, Part III-I, Part III-II, Part III-III, Part III-IV, Part III-V, Part III-VI, Part III-VII, Part III-VIII, Part III-IX, Part III-X
This is the blog that has the links to everything so far the point of this is so I have have a good debate about what console has the better games. I'll put up a few more of my blogs to this post Part IV will be my thoughts if anyone is interested. I also get a lot of people asking me which console is better so this can help people choose the right one in the long run.
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