My Thoughts
With the PlayStation 3 (PS3) I think people don't realize that it can share power with each other over the internet or side by side. For instance the Warhawk servers run solely on PS3 hardware alone and don't use any computers in the process. According to my source that is done because of the operating system that is preinstalled in all the consoles. So having two SPEs makes a big difference because it can share power to surpass a super computer's strength.
The XBOX 360 (360) uses raw power when going over the internet so they don't share each other's power which I think "Home" is possible on the PS3. With the PS3 they can actually create their own servers instead of just using a server made by a computer. With the "Home" feature having your own space and inviting others I think Sony is using the powers of every PS3 to contribute to "Home" when connected. The PS3 has an advanced streaming system (this is just a basic explanation) that will allow it to have a seamless game play through the entire game without a loading screen (not completely sure why yet). Once more developers use this besides Free Radical and Guerrilla Games will reach a whole new level of play. The Killzone 2 game doesn't even seem to be using everything that the PS3 has got which means we can see even better game than Metal Gear Solid 4: Gun of the Patriots or Killzone 2.
With the game development I'm using it as a vaugh term and just basically means how far has games come in the next generation. So if you're wondering I don't know anything about game development it doesn't literally mean the development process yet can still mean it. So I was just looking at how much further games have come since the last generation of gaming consoles.
So far in 2007 the XBOX 360 has been getting the better versions when it comes to multi-platform gaming. It is a known fact now that for better PS3 multi-platform games the PS3 must be the lead platform for a better transition. Game developing companies like Criterion PS3 games will be the better version of the two because of the free online. If the game is the same than what will be different Microsoft is a subscription / micro-transaction company when Sony is solely just a micro-transaction company. With that said you'll have to pay for online gaming with Microsoft plus all the extras to make the experience better. On Sony's side of things online is free but the extras will have a price on things while the "Home" feature will be free to use once released. I don't think people realize that if you 40 hours a week you won't have that much time to play. When you have a free service it's not taking your money while if you pay for Microsoft's service you better make sure you use it or it's a waste. So working 40 hours a week then pop in a game one or two times a week play online will be your money's worth.
Unreal Tournament 3
This game for the PlayStation 3 is amazing I can't believe they pulled off a PC (personal computer) game through a home console. It supports mods and four maps will be released by Epic for free and expect user created mods as well. This will extend the life span of this game greatly because you can potentially have new maps, weapons, or characters to download for free. With the online free this is easily the one of those shooters you need to get if you're into fast past action.
Assassin's Creed
This game disappointed me because after following their interviews and such it was suppose to be this opened world where you decide how you play. To tell you the truth that's actually false for example at the beginning of the game you have to pick pocket a person. If you fail to pick pocket that person and they see you the guy regenerates back to his position. You much be thinking it's a game that's suppose to happen well not according to Ubisoft. I was expecting the guy to run off and I had to relocate his new position and attempt again. In actually reality you don't choose were to kill the person and only have two ways of doing things stealth or aggressive actions.
Another thing is you basically just do the same things over and over again like for example to assassin someone you much do a few things. For example you much listen to people, pickpocket, and assassinate. That at a glimpse might be ok but his skills don't surpass any of those with a combat system where it's just waiting to attack. With all that said there is still some fun to be had in the game and it just disappoints me of how much potential that game had until you do the same things around 60 times over again. The story in the game is pretty interesting and I'm wondering where they'll take the series if it's popular enough.
Grand Theift Auto 4
This is looks amazing and the thing I'm most excited about is the multiplayer component to the game.
Bonus Round: Year in Review
Part 4: coming soon
Microsoft XBOX 360
Perfect Dark Zero
I got that game because GameSpot said it was really good but after playing it, it's nothing like what they said. The X-Play review was more on par with what was given and gave it a 3/5 which to me is more of what it deserves. The graphics, game play, and online is just not what it seems but I'm not going to do a review here so I'm stopping here.
Halo 3
Halo 3 has a really good story but I'm wondering how much readers are gamers? You must be wondering why am Iasking that when talking about Halo? Well there's a book published in 1970 called Ringworld by Larry Niven. You must be wondering what's Ringworld? well if you check out my link you'll see the storyline is very similar to the trilogy. The book spawned to four books in total Ringworld, The Ringworld Engineers (1980), The Ringworld Throwne (1996), and Ringworld's Children (2004). Microsoft is known to take people's ideas and getting rich off of it so this doesn't surprise me that their number one game Halo or Ringworldactually came from a book.That pretty much sums up why I love the Halo story so much but for me that's where it ends of why Halo is so great. The game pretty much feels like Halo 2 which can be a good or bad thing depending on the way you see things. This is a next generation console that can do way more than its predecessor so why does the core game feel so much alike. Even with all that said it's still a better than average game because they just enhanced what you could do in the previous game with some new features. Halo 3 is a buy if you're into first person shooters but other games can easily surpass Halo besides Killzone 2.
Splinter Cell Conviction
I don't know about you gamers but doesn't this game sound a lot like Assassin's Creed in today's time frame. With that said this seems like the only game that I've seen that has as much detail that is being put into Killzone 2. It will be interesting to see if they can do a better job than Assassin's Creed because to me it feel short when it came to promises. So far this game doesn't look stunning but it's too soon to tell how much the game will change to when it released in 2008.
Bonus Round: Year in Review
Part 2: The BR panel dives into Microsoft to see if they lived up to the next generation hype in 2007.
Related Blog(s): Part I-I, Part I-II, Part II-I, Part II-II, Part III-I, Part III-II, Part III-III, Part III-IV, Part III-V, Part III-VI, Part III-VII, Part III-VIII, Part III-IX, Part III-X, Part III-XI
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