@FLOPPAGE_50 said:
I really want a Wii U, they have the most exclusives by far, and some top rated games.
price drop never came though (at least in Canada) and dropping 400 for a Wii U right now does not seem logical with the NX around the corner.
Maybe I'll get a pre owned Wii U.
This has ALWAYS been Nintendo's downfall. I remember NES, SNES, GC, and ESPECIALLY N64 games that were still full price when comparable games would eventually drop to less than half price or even more. Nintendo keeps those premium prices on both their games and consoles. I mean, sure, I get the fact that they want to charge a premium price for their products since they believe them to be worth those prices, but I ALSO feel that is a large reason why Nintendo has lost sales, even when they have been on top.
If they would have better sales, bundles, or just drop prices of their games they would easily sell more product and be more competitive. I have heard they plan on switching to a Western pricing theme and marketing ploy this generation, so I guess we shall see. I am stoked for the NX.. better online (I hope it's pay to play), rumored comparable power, and carts making a console return. If they get pricing and sales right, this could be the first time since the SNES that Nintendo is my top console again. I am tired of SONY and MS's crap. They have all the potential and chances in the world and continue shoveling out over rated, over hyped bs. They are so out of touch it isn't even funny. Sure, Nintendo is out of touch too (in different ways), but if they can bring it all together and bring with it a Western mind set? Game over.
As far as getting a pre-owned Wii U. Well, I'm not sure what the price of one is, but let me suggest Super Mario Maker, that game is amazing, and pure skill based if you are a Mario fan in the least.
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