This is generally speaking about console memory, it isn't meant to offend though I imagine some people will still choose to be.
Here's a question for you.
Why do they always give consoles too little memory? They invest in these decent CPUs and GPUs but then slap in this tiny amount of ram they both have to rely on, granted it is fast low latency ram but it can still only store a certain amount at any one time.
Something I feel is one of the main differentiators on PC as opposed to consoles is the abundance of memory. Memory means bigger levels with better textures and better normal maps; memory is the reason Far Cry had to be remade and not ported, memory is the reason Crysis cannot be ported no matter how far they scale it back.
This generation graphics has been less about resolution and poly count and more about what is painted on those polygons, all the shaders in the world won't make up for a muddy texture and a equally low resolution normal map. Shaders are nice, but the majority of what you are seeing on characters and the environment is textures and normal maps. Memory also plays a role in the type of work your CPU can do because physics and AI work has to be stored somewhere, low memory can become a bottleneck for the CPU. LOD items are also stored in memory to allow greater draw distances and improved performance.
Seeing how important memory is for next generation games, especially at higher resolutions where a shoddy texture will stand out, why the cheap out? Why invest in Xenon graphics cards and Cell processors to leave something responsible for significant visual and game play aspects of your games as an after thought?
I think they would have been better off with 512/512 instead of 256/256, even if it meant sacrificing some GPU or CPU power to make up for the cost, I really do. I don't know if they could squeeze Crysis levels into that but it would mean bigger game levels with high resolution detail, it would mean Gears of War and Mass Effect 360 would at least look like their high resolution PC counterpart.
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