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Then play your PC and let us console gamers do whatever.graphics are not the most important thing, but for me it make the game more believeable and immersive.
Consoles were made for casuals. Do you really think casuals would keep up with the newest tech all the time?
[QUOTE="Appule70"]Then play your PC and let us console gamers do whatever.graphics are not the most important thing, but for me it make the game more believeable and immersive.
i do.. but thanks to consoles (and maybe pirates too), even the newest pc games look very dated. only crysis and warhead look new, but thats only two games.
They do hold back processing power. However,gameplay isfar more important than graphics.They are also a cheaper alternative to gaming PCs, and Nintendo innovated the gaming industry this gen with motion controls.
consoles move technology because most pc developers wouldn't make super advanced games because few people need a gpu, and cpu that advanced to play 1 game. Instead when a console comes out, pc developers decided to make more and more next gen titles because of the graphics. Let's put it in this perspective, half life 2 the best looking game was out in 2004. There wasn't a huge change and very little graphically change in graphics between then and 2006 when the xbox 360 came out. Far cry, doom 3, BF2, Fear, Swat 4 and half life 2 are the only 6 games that I remember between that period of time that was for high-end pcs. And all of them usually had the same specs that were used for half life 2.
Then play your PC and let us console gamers do whatever.[QUOTE="OreoMilkshake"][QUOTE="Appule70"]
graphics are not the most important thing, but for me it make the game more believeable and immersive.
i do.. but thanks to consoles (and maybe pirates too), even the newest pc games look very dated. only crysis and warhead look new, but thats only two games.
What is your logic in saying that consoles somehow degrade the graphics quality of PC games? Because they're porting games form console to PC? But what about all of the many PC exclusive games?
I'll tell you why there are only a couple of of games that look as good as Crysis. They are very expensive to develop.
Ummm......no. Cost holds back technology, not consoles. wstfldbeat me to it. the number of devs that could really push the latest hardware on PCs to its limits can be counted on one hand...and are part of very big publishing houses. besides...despite the bragging rights on horsepower.....if you actually think about it the PCs best games are not really technology orientated. the baldurs gate series, deus ex 1, the witcher, the freespace series....and so on. all crackin games. from a technology perspective...i think the most interesting game on the PC (or any platform) in the last 10 years or so is actually spore (the game needs work...i refer to it as a great platform waiting for a great game to show it off :P). its not very demanding on the hardware but its use of processing power is fascinating.
Console dont hld back anything, technology advances forward just fine without them. When the tech is sufficiently advanced to be a discernable jump up, and available at a cost you can sell a console at, then the consoles get updated.
Ummm......no. Cost holds back technology, not consoles. wstfldthis. keep R&D'ing sure. the but mass markets cannot cannot keep swallowing expensive new commercial hardware constantly. can't afford to. especially when it comes to entertainment. If were talking - as i'm an Engineer - a new hardware that is brand new, i'm gonna have to pick it up in order to remain competitive. but consoles are made with great specs for the time, and can give entertainment for 5-10 years, without having to upgrade it. and the games are still great looking (maybe not PC-great for some people). For as much cash i can get throughout the year, i do not want to screw around with upgrading my hardware, unless it has a utilitarian or work related use. I don't wanna have to screw around when i wanna just chill and play a damn game.
Then play your PC and let us console gamers do whatever.[QUOTE="OreoMilkshake"][QUOTE="Appule70"]
graphics are not the most important thing, but for me it make the game more believeable and immersive.
i do.. but thanks to consoles (and maybe pirates too), even the newest pc games look very dated. only crysis and warhead look new, but thats only two games.
That's rather poor logic. If Crysis and Warhead are the only "new" looking games, then they are ahead of the curve, rather than other games being behind it.[QUOTE="Appule70"]
[QUOTE="OreoMilkshake"]Then play your PC and let us console gamers do whatever.swamprat_basic
i do.. but thanks to consoles (and maybe pirates too), even the newest pc games look very dated. only crysis and warhead look new, but thats only two games.
What is your logic in saying that consoles somehow degrade the graphics quality of PC games? Because they're porting games form console to PC? But what about all of the many PC exclusive games?
I'll tell you why there are only a couple of of games that look as good as Crysis. They are very expensive to develop.
Agreed. And the way the economy is right now no doubt has some affect on game graphics. I wouldn't be at all surprised if thats the reason my nearly 3 year old 8800 is STILL ripping games apart left and right, when historically, a card that old would only be good for using as a doorstop:P
Then play your PC and let us console gamers do whatever.OreoMilkshake
i do.. but thanks to consoles (and maybe pirates too), even the newest pc games look very dated. only crysis and warhead look new, but thats only two games.
That's rather poor logic. If Crysis and Warhead are the only "new" looking games, then they are ahead of the curve, rather than other games being behind it. Indeed. Crysis was ahead of its time.I care more about the games and since the consoles will last 10yrs, I could care less about the technology right now. Come back in 4-5 years from now. At least with consoles, I don't need to keep upgrading graphic cards, memory, sound cards, etc... just to get a game to work.whos with me?
I don't think so. They actually push technology as far as developers creating tools to get more done out of less hardware, with theirunique graphics engines that are optimized to take advantage of the console. I use my pc for internet browsing, downloading music and movies, and occasional media extender to my 360, so I'm glad to see consoles released every 6-7 years , because I'm not into pc gaming. I guess to each its own, but I don't think consoles are holding back technology.
whos with me?
It's not console that hold back technology, it's actually the high costs of the video game creation, but also the lack of PC exclusives. People say that PC gaming is dying and while it is actually my prefered platform to play on they are right in a sense. How many high priced PC exclusives do we see these days? Or even PC games that are multi plats but made for PC first and then ported to a console?
When the majority of popular games are created first for consoles and then ported over there is no need for PC hardware to continue to get better. And the reason I say it's the high cost of games, it's because dev's can't afford to make games for PC, partially because the average person doesn't have the hardware to play a high end game to make use of a 295 GTX but also piracy.
Hope that made some sense, when I actually think about how bad it has become in regards to getting a nice PC exclusive it makes me sad.
whos with me?
It's not console that hold back technology, it's actually the high costs of the video game creation, but also the lack of PC exclusives. People say that PC gaming is dying and while it is actually my prefered platform to play on they are right in a sense. How many high priced PC exclusives do we see these days? Or even PC games that are multi plats but made for PC first and then ported to a console?
When the majority of popular games are created first for consoles and then ported over there is no need for PC hardware to continue to get better. And the reason I say it's the high cost of games, it's because dev's can't afford to make games for PC, partially because the average person doesn't have the hardware to play a high end game to make use of a 295 GTX but also piracy.
Hope that made some sense, when I actually think about how bad it has become in regards to getting a nice PC exclusive it makes me sad.
could also have to do with it being much much easier to make a game that will work on a console. as the consoles are the same across the board. there is no PC 'standard', you can do ballpark sure. but it is - as i see it - far more time consuming to make sure the game runs on the maximum number of computers. nothing sucks more then putting in a new game (having check the specs and thinking 'sure it should work' ) and you get "somethingsomething.dll" is an error and you can't play it. it is far easier to make a game around a one-model machine. PC's are way too varied i think.There is NOTHING stopping companies from advancing computer tech, esp for PC.
But as for the software that is needed to go with that hardware....developing HD video games are already expensive and risky enough.
yeah this. it's also other factors like development cost being the biggest, the tech in pcs i believe is ahead of software at the moment.Technology is pretty low on my list of importances. Great software is at the top.
Consoles do in fact hold back the progression of gaming technology, a fixed hardware platform can only go so far.
However whether this is a bad thing is debatable, higher quality content leads to higher costs, looking at gaming today we are more cost limited than hardware limited.
For example PS3 fanboys accuse 360 of holding them back because of their DVD disk capacity, but the fact of the matter is the content cost to take advantage of something like Blu-rays capacity would be astronomical. A Blu-ray utilizing game would be too expensive to stay exclusive to any one platform; and PS3 is the only platform with a suitable Blu-ray install base. As it stands Blu-ray is mostly just being used for lower compression content, getting advantages without skyrocketing costs.
Though frankly console limitation of technology is still a negative thing in my eyes, it's console orientated limitation; which means it restricts game design that isn't more expensive but simply not possible on consoles. The most common example of this is consoles memory limitation on level design, they favour streaming which impacts the experience.
I think there couldn't have been a worse moment to say consoles hold back technology.
You have HDTV, Bluray, motion(plus), the wii vitality sensor which is going to be pretty crazy, natal and the magic sony balls coming out.
There's the downloadable indie content and the big budget games. All the options are there for consumers and developers.
You have hospitals and senior houses implementing wii's.
I mean basically gaming hardware has never ever advanced so much in such little time.
I think the only issue is the developers completely drowning in the possibilities and the publishers who only want moneymoneymoney and make all the wrong decisions.
Well, considering that the PS3 is the first console that uses Cell and Blu-ray technologies which are both uncommon then I'd say consoles are pushing the technology not holding it back. abuabed
A hard to program for experimental CPU no one else wants to adopt in gaming; and a prematurely adopted disk format that is too slow to take full advantage of its storage capacity. I suppose that's what happens when you try to become future proof, you adopt technologies before they are ready and all the bugs are ironed out.
Everyone else will adopt Blu-ray in games when it is 'actually needed', the only reason it exists in the first place is because of Sony's forced install base. As for Cell it seems the industry has chosen a different path with GPGPU.
Yea consoles are holding back pc development all the developers have focused on console development. and on consoles you gotta worry about making the game fit on the console rather than just making a good game. also consoles have limited options for controls. see like call of duty 4 on pc has leaning and the console versions dont lol. consoles ruined f.e.a.r 2, the first one had leaning and lead platform was pc, on fear 2 lead platform was consoles and it has no leaning now. because not enough buttons for leaning lol. consoles are holding back developers just making good games.tgertfdftgyhtgf
Blaming consoles for PC games not having certain features or enough graphical upgrades has got to stop. If you want to blame something then blame the developers and publishers. They are the ones soley responsible for PC games not being any good, not consoles. Consoles are not preventing the developer from adding the ability to lean into the PC version of a game. If a game is developed first on a console and the developer simply ports it to the PC without modifying the game to take advantage of PC hardware then the developer is either being lazy or the developer/publisher is being too tight with their budget and trying to make a quick buck.
Well, considering that the PS3 is the first console that uses Cell and Blu-ray technologies which are both uncommon then I'd say consoles are pushing the technology not holding it back. abuabedJust because the console uses different technology to run games doesn't mean it's PUSHING technology. Companies like Intel, Apple, Microsoft, and Nvidia push technology.....not Sony with teh Cell.
[QUOTE="Appule70"]Then play your PC and let us console gamers do whatever.graphics are not the most important thing, but for me it make the game more believeable and immersive.
or we will play real console, what have good graphics
Concsoles have the newest technology at launch.
no actually they don't, since they are in development for years they usually are based on technology 1-2 years old
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