As everyone knows, Epic has butted heads with Microsoft on several occasions over the last few years. First, it was because Epic wanted the Gears of War maps to be free. Then later, MS got into a hissy fit over user mods in Unreal Tournament 3, something that Epic is very enthusiastic about pushing, and MS cannot stand since in their minds it threatens microtransactions. Also, Epic made a sweet deal with Sony where they would optimize the Unreal 3 engine for PS3, release Unreal Tournament 3 as a timed exclusive, and make a new exclusive IP for PS3, supposedly on the same level of awesome as Gears of War. And ontop of that, Epic is being sued by one of Microsoft's other second parties, Silicon Knights. MS is in a position where they could play peacemaker between Epic and Silicon Knights, but they are currently doing nothing. I'm sure Epic isn't none too happy about that.
Obviously, Epic is not particularly loyal to Microsoft, even though they did publish Gears of War. Epic is independent, and they can basically have anyone publish their games that they want. So that leads me to wonder-- conflicts of vision with MS, recent favors for Sony and multiplatform support across all three powerhouse consoles (360, PS3, and PC)... Is it possible that Epic's partnership with MS might end in the near future? And what could this mean for Gears of War 2? Despite what some people have said, it's Epic who owns the Gears of War franchise, not Microsoft. Microsoft published Gears of War 1, so they technically own that title, but not the IP itself. In theory, if Epic left MS, it wouldn't necessarily put Gears 2 in danger, because Epic could take it with them and have say, Midway publish it instead. But, that would also mean that Gears 2 could very likely go multiplatform.
Agh, there goes my diahrreah of the keyboard. I am probably making a mountain out of a molehill, but I do find it odd that Epic has gotten cozy with Sony after their disputes with Microsoft, and that we've heard no news at all about Gears of War 2, even though Gears of War is freaking huge. In any case, I'm keeping my eyes on 2008 to see what goes down.
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