[QUOTE="360wishlist"]No, after playing MoH, Red Steel, and Far Cry on the Wii im convinced that a really good fps is impossible360wishlist
Medal of honor vanguard? Horrible. Medal of honor heroes 2? Great! Metroid prime 3? Great!
better than call of duty 4, halo 3, gears of war, half life 2?, no, and making halo on the wii will raise expectations and possibly make or break the console whether if its good or bad
well it aint happening its a theory tho
Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Well, not Half-Life 2, but I can imagine MoHH2 being as good as COD4, Halo 3, and Gears of War.
wow really than what are they waiting for, why arent they making more fps for wii instead of releasing more mario sports games?
Because Wii owners want some variety. That's why they bought a Wii in the first place: to play games that are different. If there's any genre that promotes homogeneity, it's the shooter genre. I'd be content with two or three good shooters a year, not the dozen or more that come to the 360/PS3.
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