I still remember the days when cows talked non stop about how great the PS3 was going to be: its power will take 10 years to tap, run at 120 fps.... I bought a PS3 at its launch and it was garbage. Then, the praised all the exclusives came out so i bought another one. Well, after buying them all i still and still owning a PS3 i still like and play my xbox more.
Thus, the question i'm raising is from what it sounds the PS4 is all hyped up as it was last gen to be ultra powerful. Will history repeat itself?
Anyhow, i'mk definitely interested in the X1 for its dedicated servers, superior controller and seemly a really good launch line up. However, the major draw back i have against X1 is the fact they are pushing that piece of sh1t kinect on me. Nevertheless, i'm still on the fence about the PS4s power as well. If it is true that it is extremely more powerful i may be buying a PS4 just cause I don't want to have any lag issues with Elder Scrolls online as well as having the superior console version of the game. Yet, on the other hand, for me to give up on the X1 controller the performance of the PS4 must be head over heals better. Â Â
I already know what the cows will proclaim, major ownage and blah blah blah, and quite frankly, its rather irritating listing to all their nonsense. To me it seems like they are waiting for redemption for how sadly PS3 was in the first couple years of launch. I would rather hear some unbiased tech nerds views if the advantaged the PS4 will have over the X1 will be substantial or insignicant. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
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