hahha cows, they got them selfs carried away ,,, we must not forget all the times sony was behind
selling so good and they bragged., , and i told you , it was a fluke, , a 2 gen fluke , ,
the only reason people buy ps2s is because their ripped down versions of gamecube and xboxs
dont belive me
well look at these stats for ps1vs n64
controller port inputs-2
memory card inputs -2
format -scratchable disc
plus load times
graphics-32 bit partially 3d mostly 2d
original controller-a snes pad with handles no rumble or joysticks
after n64-2 analog and rumble where eventually added
nintendo 64
number of avialable controller ports-4
number of meory card slots- as many controllers you have, -their in the controller , thus you can buy 10 controllers andh ave 10 to use without switching memory cards
graphics-fully 3d 64 bit
medium-very durable cartridge
perfect dark biggest fps known besides the later released timesplitters series made by same people, is on the n64 and now its on 360 as of mar 17 10
gamecube/xbox/ps2 era
dvd playback
controller ports-2
mem card-2
same controller as remade ps1
supposivly 128 bit system , but it has graphics akin to dreamcast
number of controller ports-4
memcard-2 per controller max on at once -8
cd playback
disc format -specail disc sega used
controller ports-4
memory card-2
various adapters-gb player etc
disc format mini optical disc
graphics -2x better then ps2
controller ports -4
dvd functionw addon./kit
graphics slightly better then gc
mem cards-8 max -2 per controller
so ya
um ps2 was at the end of the stick as was ps1
in comparision to its competitors at the time
they may be a head graphically-though not being hsown/proven
they are so behind interms of games /sales
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