Just like the Sheeps, Cows are now waiting for the 'great' sequels. Now that the x360 took a lot of their games (and made them even better), the only thing they are left with is, MGS (delayed), Final Fantasy, Tekken 6, R&C, JRPG and have great hopes that games like Heavenly Sword, Lair, Killzone and Drakes Fortune wont flop. Just when you start to hope that average looking games end up being great games, you know you're in trouble. While x360 has a bunch of great games coming out every month, we are busy playing great titles, instead of watching pre-rendered game trailers online and waiting for games to come out on the Ps3.
Looks like the cows are now being milked while their are asleep dreaming about FF13 and MGS.
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