I bought a 40gb ps3 the day after they came out,and i also got Warhawk becuz i wanted a game online..........and it SUCKS!!!!!!
I mean the game itself is pretty cool but it gets boring after like 30 minutes of playing becuz its no one with a mic to talk to.And the thing i dont understand is,when you buy the damn game it comes with a free bluetooth headset.So why is no one talking?Everytime i join a room i ask if anyyone has a mic and i get nothing.I think i might have went into 2 rooms that 1 person had a mic.
And psn itself is just so boring and dry and lame and it sucks.I only have 2 friends on my friends list which are 2 of my friends from xbl,and we play on xbl waaaaay more than we do on psn.I mean psn is just horrible,it doesnt even have indepth friends list,like for example,when you click on one of your friends it brings up a little cheap profile,and in the profile all it has is a cheap looking gamerpic,itshows the person psn id twice,and i local and thats it.
And also the chatting and sending messages is so stupid.In order the open a message or a chat you have to stop what your doing,turn off you game and go back to your main menu,and then you have to set there the whole time your chatting,i mean the frist day i got my ps3 with warhawk,i told my friend to buy warhawk too so we could play online,and when he got it we couldnt just send each other invites and then join up,we had to spend an extra 20 minutes try to figure it out,and the whole while we was doing he kept sending me chat invites and i would have to leave the game,go chat,load it back up and then i get another chat,so i leave again and im pretty sure you guys get the idea.
You cant download themes or gamepics.Playstation store is empty,i do like how the put up demos for all the exclusive games.
So c'mon cows just admit that psn sucks really bad,just cuz its free doesnt it still doesnt compare to xbl live.I would rather pay 1$100 a yearto play on xbl than topay nothin and have to use psn.
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