this is what these forums do to you. they poison you with a negativity that need not exist.
Your XBONE one in the UK alone has sold 150k in its first week, more than the Wii-U in a year, yet the wii-u is coming up with some fantastic games regardless of its awful sales, and outdated hardware.
This forum is nothing but a pile of s*it that most here only like it because they like to argue over the internet, or find out the latest console news OR try to decide which console they want through debate.... but there are alot of kids here that lose sight of this, the trolls are now outweighing the normal members because they actually think they are clever at what they do. its the worst kind of attention seeking.... attention without any real purpose but to annoy.
All 3 consoles will be good in their own way, but everyone will have a favourite. not everyone gives a damn about sony's first party.... i mean my god uncahrted is a godamn graphic whoring linear 10 hour TPS ... THATS ALL. ironically the same with last of us .... more about their presentation than providing stellar gameplay.... which is the opposite to what nintendo fans love (even though they have both excellent artistic presentation AND top of their genre gameplay).
Your X1 .... will likely have a better online infrastructure, much better u.i and software updates and kinect could possibly provide non-core-gaming experiances like nothing else. hell even people that love party games and fitness games will no doubt see the BEST possible through kinect, not wii-fit or eye toy version 2.
YEs you are paying £70 for weaker hardware.... but the games still look great. if people wanted the best of the best, they would go with PC THERE IS NO OTHER WAY AROUND IT. but those hypocrits will continue to compare the tiny differences.
you need to take this place with a grain of salt, the level of abuse, arguing and point out X1 weaknesses is just the new generation console peasants fighting to decide which ridiculously priced console they should get, when in reality they are so damn similar it has come to this level of pettiness.
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