just because it got 9 at ign doesn't means it will get AAA GS please stop before you get owned later
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So if it doesn't get AAA here its not a AAA game even if it averages one elsewhere? Lemmings let it go.DeathIsARight
Are you calling Tnasty a lemming?
I dont see any cows HYPING Folklore. I do see cows SUPRISED and happy that it got 9.0 at IGN. Big difference between hype and being happy.Dilrod
Agreed. What is the TC talking about? I played the demo but it was too action for me. I like a more tactical RPG type. I guess it "could be" just lucky.. Oh, well, I am still not going to get it cause it not my style... unless the game is on sale for $20 maybe.
just because it got 9 at ign doesn't means it will get AAA GS please stop before you get owned later
no1 is hyping it.. lol it dsnt look that amazing didnt really like the demo and its not my type of game
everyone is just surprised that it got AAA sumwhere that is credible
[QUOTE="DeathIsARight"]So if it doesn't get AAA here its not a AAA game even if it averages one elsewhere? Lemmings let it go.fiveftwang
Are you calling Tnasty a lemming?
No, that was a comment at all lemmings mocking over this.
When lemmings stop hyping Too Human;)trizzle_a
That'll probably happen either when Too Human is released or Duke Nukem Forever is released.
just because it got 9 at ign doesn't means it will get AAA GS please stop before you get owned later
I'm not a cow......I'm a PS fan. But I never hyped Folklore and never will....it could get 10 for all I care I won't get it because I didn't liked the demo at all!!!
Isn't that the only AAA its gotten so far? Well, cows never learn anyway so they're just gonna hype whatever they want..
Isn't that the only AAA its gotten so far? Well, cows never learn anyway so they're just gonna hype whatever they want..
Well only AAA 'exclusive'. Although some places with good taste gave Heavenly Sword it's deserving 9.0 as well.
[QUOTE="welltarnation"]As much as this game deserves AAA status, I doubtit receives that score here. BioShockOwnz
Thanks for the laugh, lol!
I don't understand, but ok.
[QUOTE="trizzle_a"]When lemmings stop hyping Too Human;)AskForDetails
lol owned...
uhhh no, not really. Have you played Too Human? There's a difference here because Too Human won't be released til next year and Folklore is coming out this year and there's already a demo and reviews out.
[QUOTE="AskForDetails"][QUOTE="trizzle_a"]When lemmings stop hyping Too Human;)manny280
lol owned...
no one is hyping too human:| and oh i cant wait for killzone 2 to flop(not saying it will be a bad game just wont be AAA)
does kz2 have a hype thread yet?
ah ok then.
[QUOTE="AskForDetails"][QUOTE="trizzle_a"]When lemmings stop hyping Too Human;)TheDarkDisciple
lol owned...
uhhh no, not really. Have you played Too Human? There's a difference here because Too Human won't be released til next year and Folklore is coming out this year and there's already a demo and reviews out.
i liked the demo for folklore, but it was kind of dissapointing in that there weren't a lot of folks to use...so im looking forward to buying folklore used sometime around christmas.
So if it doesn't get AAA here its not a AAA game even if it averages one elsewhere? Lemmings let it go.DeathIsARighttnasty is a cow.
[QUOTE="DeathIsARight"]So if it doesn't get AAA here its not a AAA game even if it averages one elsewhere? Lemmings let it go.jg4xchamptnasty is a cow.
I wasn't calling him a lemming, I got that he is a cow. There is no official thread, but in all honesty I hyped this game as a A at best but felt it might go below.
[QUOTE="AvIdGaMeR444"]If Gamerankings is any indication at all, then IGN severely overrated Folklore...p2rus
seriously, its almost like there were 2 different games being reviewed.
Different languages =/= different games. Please proivide proof that the game was improved from Japanese release to US release. IGN still says there are performance issues.
The damage is already done.:lol:BioShockOwnz
? Don't you own a PS3? Shouldn't you be happy to see this game do good?
[QUOTE="p2rus"][QUOTE="AvIdGaMeR444"]If Gamerankings is any indication at all, then IGN severely overrated Folklore...BioShockOwnz
seriously, its almost like there were 2 different games being reviewed.
Different languages =/= different games. Please proivide proof that the game was improved from Japanese release to US release. IGN still says there are performance issues.
woah i just meant that its like ign was playing 1 game and these other reviews played another game, because the difference in the reviews are just black and white...im not saying that these ARE diffrent versions, im just saying that the disparity between reviews is ridiculous.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]The damage is already done.:lol:X_CAPCOM_X
? Don't you own a PS3? Shouldn't you be happy to see this game do good?
And hes a mod at NeoGAF, single-handedly disproving the myth of some sort of Sony love-in at GAF, thanks for that BioShockOwnz.
[QUOTE="X_CAPCOM_X"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]The damage is already done.:lol:Runningflame570
? Don't you own a PS3? Shouldn't you be happy to see this game do good?
And hes a mod at NeoGAF, single-handedly disproving the myth of some sort of Sony love-in at GAF, thanks for that BioShockOwnz.
[QUOTE="X_CAPCOM_X"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]The damage is already done.:lol:Runningflame570
? Don't you own a PS3? Shouldn't you be happy to see this game do good?
And hes a mod at NeoGAF, single-handedly disproving the myth of some sort of Sony love-in at GAF, thanks for that BioShockOwnz.
I dunno he is always there and laughin at all bad Sony news... and bashing cows. Manticore? Not really
So was I right when I called him a fanboy?X_CAPCOM_X
Well judging by his past behaviors hes a lot like me actually. :| By that I mean almost a fanboy but still with some common sense.
So was I right when I called him a fanboy?Runningflame570
Well judging by his past behaviors hes a lot like me actually. :| By that I mean almost a fanboy but still with some common sense.
Have you ever seen him not defending the 360 or bashing MS in any way? (along with lemmings?)
Have you ever seen him not defending the 360 or bashing MS in any way? (along with lemmings?)
I've seen him make some decent arguments within his biases..but yeah, he is slightly worse than me (for instance I don't do the :lol: posts much).
[QUOTE="Sollet"]Have you ever seen him not defending the 360 or bashing MS in any way? (along with lemmings?)
I've seen him make some decent arguments within his biases..but yeah, he is slightly worse than me (for instance I don't do the :lol: posts much).
You at least admit it.
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