A pretty unflattering preview of crackdown has surfaced from everybody's favorite non gaming publication, Forbes. Now, I'm gonna warn you, it's based on what the writer perceived while watching the IGN preview so ultimately it's no different in terms of insight than you or I sharing an opinion.
The author opens with...
"While I have been known to produce articles that…sometimes have a negative bend to them, I also try not to go overboard in my hyperbole when I can avoid it. But I am not exaggerating when I say that I have not seen a single second of Crackdown 3 footage in the last few years that has looked good, and recent videos are somehow looking even worse as more about the game is revealed."
So right off the bat you know this isn't gonna go well....
When speaking on multiplayer....
" I don’t even know how to describe what I’m seeing in this IGN demo video. Apparently the cloud destruction is so taxing that every map has to be just a series of geometric shapes rather than anything resembling the city of the open world mode, and the result is something like looks like a VR game gone wrong at best, or a barely scraped-together tech demo at worst. Even the destruction itself is underwhelming and weird and not even on par with what we see in Battlefield games or in ancient titles like Red Faction, from what I can tell."
Yikes.... Lems does this hurt? Are you gearing up for what could be a pretty bad game? Or is this the work of the poisonous side of gaming journalism, passing judgement before even playing the game?
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