Source : metacritic
Wow, this game is scoring much better than could have been antisipsated. Even the exeptionally harsh 1up gave it 90% as did the brutal Eurogamer!!! Thats incredible. Worth a look by every man and his dog it seems !!
Official Xbox Magazine UK
It plays brilliantly and is astonishingly easy to get into...For outrageousness and pure entertainment value, Crackdown is the most fun sandbox game to date...It's all-out action. Crackdown is an absolute riot. [Feb 2007, p.8]
Crackdown is ridiculously fun, and that "Halo 3" beta code may go unused for longer than you think. [Mar 2007, p.88]
Being so excellent that you obliterate the single-player in a weekend is not enough to stop it being my favourite Xbox 360 game of recent times.
If Crackdown were nothing more than a GTA-ish game with the fat trimmed away and some insane physical abilities, hell, that'd be something to be thrilled about. That it represents the best, if not the first, online multiplayer sandbox game on a console is just gravy.
The action is sensational and amazingly varied, and the world is totally immersive because of the game's somewhat unique approach to the visuals and environment, not despite of it.
Team Xbox
But for every slight slip-up or apparent wrong in Crackdown, there’s a laundry list of perfection and general right that makes this title nearly impossible to put down - like some sort of digital crack.
Crackdown pushes the action-driving hybrid genre into the next generation with the first ever truly 3-D playground with some innovative Xbox Live capabilities. What’s not to like.
Computer and Video Games
An immensely enjoyable experience and easily the most complete free-roaming action game we've played. We'd even go beyond that and call it the ultimate sandbox experience - it genuinely is a beast all of its own, building on the GTA formula rather than feeding off it.
The game shines in letting you take your agent from meager rookie to rooftop jumping superhero in a painless and easy manner. You’re not pressured into building up your character just because you can’t access certain parts of the game.
WHAM! Gaming
A truly fantastic experience that is so much more than just a mindless shoot-em-up "GTA" clone. The developers almost force you to think outside the box and not spend an hour running over hookers and throwing molotov cocktails into a crowd on the beach (as fun as those things are).
Electronic Gaming Monthly
That the game's multiplayer co-op is integrated perfectly with the single-player campaign, allowing friends to jump right in and join at any point without any fuss, is just gravy. It's something I'd love to see other developers do more of. [Mar 2007, p.90]
The smart blend of collecting orbs in a wildly vertical setting while constantly feeling the reward of powering up creates an unbeatable sensation of addictive fun. You'll have a blast, even if for a short while.
Unpolished targeting mechanics lead to unfortunate deaths, but leaping across buildings Matrix forbidden>
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