Wow...Crakcdown 2, huh? ;) (Look at the thread title closely :P )
That's depressing considering the mediocre - okay reviews and everything we know. I guess that power of marketing is too hard to ignore. This game shouldn't even exist, it's worse than the first game...and a new IP like Alan Wake is thrown in the ditch. Depressing.
2007's CRACKDOWN 1 MetaSCORE 83/100
2010's CRACKDOWN 2 MetaSCORE 70/100
Why do these things happen? :(
Here's a review that really sums Crackdown 2 up :
"Quite honestly, I would recommend the first game over Crackdown 2 with no hesitation, and based on what's actually here, it seems to me that positioning the effort as a piece of $15 DLC would have been far more appropriate than trying to pass it off as a $60 retail release."
have you played the game?
Yes, of course. Against my wishes, my buddy rented a copy and I was forced to play the game co op with him, even though I already invested time in the Demo before hand, and I knew what to expect. It's not terrible, it's just not a game that should be the Highest Selling Game anywhere in the world.
Why listen to me and what I think of Crackdown2 and all it's faults though, when people can just click on these great links I provided? That's why I skipped my whole opinion, I just wanted all of SW to see the facts instead of my thoughts on Crackdown 2's gameplay. Maybe next time I will skip the factual presentation, and just say this game is either great or this game sucks. :P I'm trying to give SW what it wants, even though it's a very unpredicable beast.
The 70+ reviewers that have scored Crackdown 2 make the point much better than I could anyways. I could obviously click the links and quote after quote the faults of the game, but I will leave that to those that really are interested on what went wrong.
FlamesofGrey, fellow gamespotter 3 posts above said this about the Crackdown 2 :
"It is worse because it does almost nothing to improve upon the Flaws of the first Crackdown. The melee and targeting are still **** which you'd think would be an easy fix. You still take dmage while falling which pretty much defeats the purpose of giving you those awesome high jumping abilities. The multiplayer is just tacked on and bare. The story is still ****. All they did was change up the mission structure, add renegade and co-op for even more of a collecting marathon, and more co-op options whle leaving the same problems the first one had still in there."
Crackdown2 is a 3.5 year later sequel, and it's retailing for full price...it blows my mind that people are going crazy for it at all, even if it's just the U.K. So many other games deserve the sales.
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