How comes a re make game eg. zelda orcarina of time end up getting a smaller score then the original on gamespot?
Let me ask you about zelda orcarina of time the n64 version got a 10/10.Zelda orcarina of time 3ds is the same game with no bugs or visual glitches so doesnt it automatically get a 10?Put in the fact the extra fetures the game has one reviewer may say "Ive played the game a million times veterans wont like this game" true true but isnt the point of a re make for the people who havnt played the game to play such a great game?
So why does the game not get the score the game originally got?
gamepot says that zelda orcarina of time 3ds doesnt have master quest unlocked in the bigging although,that is true master quest wasnt in the original if im correct?The point of master quest is to play the game again in a harder way like the rachet and clank games master quests?
So Im asking this again how come remakes dont automatiically get the score the originals had subtracting points if the game had bugs?With the new editions re makes should have the largest cores.
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