" cannot get Crysis as it is on PC on any console. What you would have to do is compromise the design and the level design [...] the consoles just offer a memory difference which is the most important statement here - the memory difference in the PS3 and Xbox 360 doesn't allow Crysis - the same on console as it is on PC. In order to make Crysis's gameplay [on console] you would have to make a derivative Crysis and optimize it for the Xbox 360 and PS3. In fact, if we do it, we'll optimize it for each platform."
playstation UK make another lie though:D
Even before the PC version released, rumours of a PS3 conversion of the stunning Crysis (developed by Far Cry creators Crytek) were rife, and not far off the mark if insiders at the studio are to be believed. The game looks to be a port of the PC original plus some extra modes and features, a kind of Crysis 1.5. Like the PC game you can expect a visual powerhouse; an open-world shooter that begins on a beautiful tropical island before things take a turn for the worse and aliens from a parallel world stake a claim on Earth. Only the mighty Killzone 2 could possibly hold a candle to this shooter. For technical reasons we hear an Xbox 360 version of Crysis isn't in development. Bet you're glad you bought a PS3 now, eh?
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