Crytek and the game Crysis has ruined gaming for me and many other gamers, and I'm sure it has ruined what we have all come to know and love in FPS and actions games.
I purchased Gears of War and Crysis several weeks ago. I have been dying to play Gears of War because it was such a hot game and I don't own an Xbox so I couldn't wait for it to come out for PC.But I also had to get Crysis because that was hyped as a great game by PC gamers so I bought both at the same time a few weeks ago.
I didn't want tobuy Crysis for a while because I knew the System Requirements were high. But people convinced me that it would be ok and still look great on current hardware.
So when I got home, I made the fatal mistake of loading Crysis first. I played through it and got to the alien levels and couldn't believe how ridiculous the alien levels were. I played through the first 2/3rds of the game again and again because they were fantastic. Jungle, N.Koreans speaking Korean. Intense firefights..... great realistic weapons and sounds. I even played without using the nano suit to make it more realistic and challenging, even on Delta. Plus I've played a couple of great user made single player maps.
Well yesterday and today, I finally loaded and started Gears of War.
What a turd this game is. I just can't believe how bad it is. After Crysis, it is a downright joke. Lemmings exclaimed how great the graphics were. They aren't even better than Doom 3 and that came outalmost threeyears ago. Quake 4 blows this pile of turd out of the water graphically.
Here is the real beef: Can't jump. No lean. Reticle is half the size of the screen. The game dumbs down your decisions by placing action commands into one button (on PC it is the Space Bar). The weapons sound kiddie. The graphics and character design is cartoony like Quake III. Gameplay is simple and there is no AI.
This is what so many lemmings that think they are hardcore were saying was such a great game? It is mainstream commercialized crap. I feel bad for the common console gamer. This game is pathetic and watered down. I can't believe I bought it for $50.00.
Crysis, even based on 2/3rds of the game, destroys any previous FPS game based on physics, gameplay, graphics and sound.
Gears of Bores is commericalized console casual crap.
Bring it on!
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