OK guys, this thread is mainly in responce to all the threads that have popped up by a few consolites that say all us hermits go on about is Crysis. To set the record straight (and I'm sure the community in general will agree with me here) and that is it's consolites always bringing up Crysis! Seriously you guys seem obsessed with trying to bring this game down!
It's always: "X-game surpasses Crysis' graphics"
Here are some interesting points:
- We simply respond and we respond in the most simple way. We post screenshots! We're confident enough to let the actual game do all the talking when it comes to graphics.
- We have many other games such as Stalker Clear Sky and Empire Total War that exceed the best graphics consoles have to offer and we could quite happily use screenshots from those games running in much higher HD than your standard console shooter, with tons more AA, AF etc. We respond with Crysis screenshots because that's the game you guys are always comparing to. Now doesn't that make sense? WE respond with screenshots to the game you guys are talking about.
- Its so frustrating also that half of you guys dont even read the threads, you read the OP then jump down and comment ignoring all the posts in between that counter and points raised lol.
- When we do bring out the 'screen shots' and you guys are proven wrong you tend to do 2 things. You'll go into denial or you'll start resorting to every other damage control trick in the book. These are:
- Crysis has nice graphics but poor gamelplay (even though its gameplay is unlike most shooters and is widely praised across all review sites as a AAA!)
- It takes a $2000 rig to run Crysis at very high
- PC gaming sucks, you 'have' to upgrade every 6 months (I love this one, its so retarded :lol: )
- Sitting on a couch is better, controller is better etc etc
Basically, once you've lost the graphics debate you'll find any other possible reason to knock pc gaming. Then us hermits will counter every single point made. That's the point which you guys call us elitist snobs lol. We seriously can't win. You guys start the topics on Crysis the tell us we always go on about Crysis when we try and defend it? Maybe we should just shut up and humour you? We should just accept Crysis has medicre graphics and poor gameplay?
Now, I would like to mention at this point that not all console fans are like this. Not all console fans are like this. Some prefer console gaming. I myself have a 360 and Wii which I both enjoy. Some console fans are indeed on my friends list. So in that respect, I would like to aim this at all the ignorant console fanboys out there lol.
OK, so to finish off and to try and prevent this from ending up as some pointless rant :P I would like to suggest to all hermits to post screenshots of any imressive game on PC other than Crysis. We're fed up with you guys thinking we have nothing else other than Crysis so, I would like to invite fellow pc gamers to post screenshots of games other than Crysis. Lets call an amnesty on Crysis and show you guys what else PC gaming has to offer!
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