People are overlooking the fact that Dark Knight comes out on Blu ray Dec 9th and This will SELL huge on blu ray and i even think it will moveĀ a good number of PS3s. Because think about who is the main audience for this Movie, a lot of teens-young adults from ages generally 14-27 is the main audience for this movie and some of those are ones that only own a 360, they want a PS3 but are still on the fence but they are also Dark Knight fanboys and want it on blu ray so they will just go ahead and get a PS3 for christmas with Dark Knight for blu ray. I personally think if Sony came out with a Dark knight PS3 bundle say a 40 GB model and sell it for $349.99 that they would all sell out in a day.
Oh and this thread isnt meant to bash any games that came out for the PS3 this year because I actually think Resistance 2 and LBP will easily break a million copies sold this holiday when its all said and done.. But Dark Knight is going to be HUGE for blu ray and will push a lot of people to buy a PS3 for the Dark Knight. Ā
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