of course its a good thing, but a potential issue i see is that the 360 community just doesn't seem like the type that will buy too many copies of this kind of game. shooters yes, but hardcore hard as hell jrpg, i have my doubts. and for a game that features a very important online aspect, i get the feeling that the 360 servers will be quite dead by the end of the year. so if you have the choice i highly suggest you get the ps3 version.
Arent all RPGs so far better selling on xbox 360 (beside FF13 of course) ?
So why not this one ?
Probably because it's the spiritual successor to Demon's Souls, so it has roots and familiarity within the PS3 userbase much like FF13. Plus From Software is huge in Japan and they aren't selling the 360 version there. Also the 360 version apparently has some framerate issues so those who have the option would probably get the PS3 version.
Apparently 360 version is exactly same as PS3 and both have the exact same framerate issues, that is from the many posts i read in GAF
Also it is a new IP, so anything goes, will probably sell best on PS3 indeed, but wont be far behind on 360
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