No game that is made by Microsoft Game Studios will ever see light of day on the PS4
just like
No game that is made by Sony Computer Entertainment America will ever see light of day on the Xbox One
It was made by Capcom, but published by M$, yes.
You would have a great point if M$ owned the IP and developed the game, but they don't and didn't.
If you want examples of previously published M$ games, look no further than Ninja Gaiden, Braid, or Mass Effect. There is actually more. When it comes to the console manufacturers, M$ published games find their way into the wild sometimes.
There are fascinating things afoot behind the scenes with these money hatting deals, yes, and no doubt DR3 will ever see light of day on PS4, but you need to look further than the publisher on the box to predict these things. Capcom is a company that wants money. They have a very, very poor history of announcing exclusives and turning around later to make a buck. Think back to RE4, although that's just the tip of the iceburg.
We really need to know more about this deal, which we don't. However, we do know Capcom's intentions, as did M$ if their lawyers did their homework. We'll have to see it play out. Late Ports don't sell well, so that's another reason that the game won't see light of day. The average critic reception also won't do the game wonders. Sales may help.
The statement you wrote above is incorrect when applied to PS360 and previous gens, and this new gen just started soo...
All that said, I was quoting you about publishers and IP points, I actually own an Xbone and I don't like the DR series (I own both, didn't like). I am more interested in the IP ownership of games and you brought up a point that people don't think too deeply about or know much about, but post a lot about.
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