Dead Space is a shining example of how a game like this should be done. It reminds me of the older games found on PCs when you actually had to manage inventory and if you wanted more inventory slots you had to upgrade something (in this case your suit). All your weapons and stasis can be upgraded, which is a big plus in this game. Also, so many games are putting health regeneration as part of the health system. I am extremely pleased that Dead Space does not have this feature. You either have to search for health or buy it at one of the kiosks. Health regeneration takes out the panic, when you're low on health, and you have no medkits anywhere.
The blood and gore in Dead Space is nothing short of spectacular. Amazing detail and effects when bodies are ripped apart, and when you die, it's pretty gruesome to watch.
The sound in this game is astonishing. If you have a 5.1 surround system, your in for a real treat. The weapons all sound great especially the ripper, my favorite sound effect in the whole game. When that saw makes that sound, you can't help but grit your teeth as your rip your enemies to pieces. Pure awesome.
The environment is of course a space ship, but that doesn't mean there are no incredible environments to go through. The graphics are fantastic. I'm probably going to get flamed a lot for saying this, but I think the graphics in Dead Space are better than Gears of War. Simply put the game shines with awesome lighting, amazing effects and great textures. One of the best looking games I have seen this gen.
I know this might get me flamed (again), but I would put this game up there with System Shock 2. It reminded me a lot of that game, but is third person rather than first person.
This game has a great sense of atmosphere. The environments and ambient sounds make for a great feeling of uneasiness while making your way through the game. My absolute favorite part of the game is how much immersion there is. Every menu you access (your inventory, logs, map) are projections from Isaac's suit, never stopping the gameplay. You never feel once that you are "escaping" from the game to read logs or manage your inventory. The ammo counter for your weapons is projected from the weapons themselves and not a separate meter on the screen.
Everyone who owns a PS3, 360 or PC should check this game out. It is amazing and quite possibly the best survival horror (yes I said survival horror), game this gen. This game feels like a survivial horror game and I am quite pleased by that.
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