Could Day Z come to, Xbox One? (or the equally popular the War Z?)
Dean 'Rocket' Hall, the man behind the phenomenally successful zombie survival game DayZ has been talking a little bit about the possibility of bringing the full game to next-gen consoles.
Hall revealed that he has had extensive discussions about bringing the game to the Xbox One although he has not had the chance to find out more about the possibilities for a PS4 version as yet.
"We'd certainly consider release on any feasible platform with a realistic publishing model,” he began. “It seems like currently both of the next-gen consoles should provide an environment we can develop inside. I personally feel the new consoles have yet to prove themselves able to rival the PC experience, however I feel there is the potential from both."
"I've not personally had the opportunity to view the full details of the PS4 whereas I have had the opportunity to talk extensively with Microsoft,” Hall continued. “The next-gen consoles show very exciting promise. I'm hopeful that they can deliver on that. Am important part of that, from my perspective, is encouraging and supporting third-party creative development to bring the 'edginess' of PC creative development into the console. I think if the role of Kinect/voice expands to where it is desired it could do some awesome things. I just think it's too early to say at this point."
A next-gen console version of DayZ would certainly be an exciting prospect and Kinect functionality could open up some interesting features that aren't necessarily available to all on the PC. Which platform would you most like to see DayZ arrive on?
This could be good if they make some of the features built from the ground up. Day Z is a popular title and it's ex-named rival the War Z is also popular. It would be interesting to see both, or more primarily, the Day Z, on consoles and how well they would work.
Dean did say he talked "extensively" with Microsoft. Take that as you will.
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