"Dear Nintendo,
My name is Aaron Thomas and I'm a frustrated Wii owner. You see, my problem is that I own a Wii and I have nothing to play on it. I've played and enjoyed Wii Sports (thanks for the free game), but there's not much else to play. I'm a huge Zelda fan, but I wasn't digging the whole "your remote is a sword" thing and gave up after two hours. I'm hoping to get back to the game again, and when I finally get motivated I'm going to play the GameCube version. I thought Wario Ware would be really cool, but I can't play with my friends until I beat the game? Lame. I don't want to sit through that game's idiotic story; I want to play minigames with my friends. I hear Metroid Prime 3 is good, but it sure sounds a lot like Prime (which I didn't like) and Prime 2 (which I never played), so I don't think I'll be buying it the third time around. I think the Mii concept is a cool one, but you've failed to capitalize on it. Why aren't more games letting me play as my Mii?
So where are the good games? I own an Xbox 360 and a PlayStation 3 so I don't want to play some watered-down port with tacked-on controls and lousy graphics. That eliminates stuff like Call of Duty 3, Medal of Honor, The Godfather, Mortal Kombat and the like. I have nobody to blame for myself for not getting around to Super Paper Mario, but the rest of your lineup is so uninteresting poor old Super Paper Mario has fallen by the wayside because I'm not often thinking to myself "What good games are there for the Wii that I need?" because good new games are so rare. It also sounds like SPM has the Wario Ware issue where you force people to suffer through an inane story when all they want to do is play. If you couldn't tell by now, that's one of my pet peeves.
I'm also not a fan of what you've been doing with the virtual console. Now part of this is my fault--I own pretty much all of the great NES, SNES, and N64 games so there's little reason for me to buy them here. But maybe if you guys spruced them up a bit, added extras, new modes, online play, or something to the deal I'd be more inclined to pick up a game or two. I realize that I'm in the minority in that I already own most of these games, but I know I'm not alone in not being able to figure out just what in the heck you're doing releasing so much garbage. Play Action Football, J.J. & Jeff, Milon's Secret Castle, and China Warrior weren't really games people wanted to play 20 years ago, much less today. I'd love to know how many people have purchased Soccer. I'm sure it's dozens. Why are you diluting the service with crap?
I know people are buying the Wii in droves, you guys are in first place, and the company is more valuable than ever, but you don't seem to be doing anything to sustain this momentum. Maybe there's a whole group of people out there that like last-gen graphics and pretending their Wii Remote is a sword, but I'm not one of them. Step it up or my Wii is going to get buried even deeper under crap on my desk than it already is.
Aaron Thomas
I think online play is here to stay. You might want to come up with an online model that doesn't stink. Oh, and maybe some online games too. Just a thought."
I may not agree with his R&C review but he has point here, why are people(sheep) still supporting Nintendo?
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