He wants to get rid of all the competition and have Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft agree on one standard console. Why? To make is easier for game developers like himself and, I think, to eliminate all the confusion that plagues the video game industry.
I'm down with that so long as the price is kept within the $200 - $299 range. You want mass consumer appeal you must watch that price tag.
 Dennis Dyack:
 "I think we're moving towards a homogeneous platform whether people like it or not. At the end of the day, I think it's in everyone's best interest that there be one hardware console, whether it be Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo or whether all three of them got together and said, "Ok we're going to agree upon a standard for everyone to make." [...] We'd rather spend time making the games than worrying about the hardware. And if everyone had the same hardware and when you made a game you knew you got 100% penetration because anyone who plays this game had to buy this hardware platform just like a DVD or whatever standard media format's going to be. I think that would ultimately be much better for gamers."
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