Just had to make a post to show some love for the PS3. With gloomy predictions and Ravid sheep and lemmings saying it's doom, some people might actually think PS3 is just as bad as the original Xbox. I just want to show people what you'll be getting this gen with the PS3 wither you pay for it at $600 or waiting for that price cut to land in your price range.
High Definition
Blu-ray movies
PS Home
Wi-fi and Bluetooth technology
PS Store and Network
Playstation Library of Diversify Gaming
Linux Operating System
Internet Browser
You still think the PS3 is a non factor in the console war? I don't care if you can't afford a $600 machine. I don't care if you never get a PS3. Don't let your no/low income or shallow price value stop you form saying that PS3 is a great console for gamers. They should rename the PS3 to "The Beast" because what is offering is amazing. The justification for the PS3 is there people. Wither you want one at $600, $500, $400, or $300 the PS3 offers the best for gamers and casuals abroad than any other console. This is Living!
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