Outspoken ex-World of Warcraft lead and CEO of Firefall developer Red 5 Studios Mark Kern has railed against current consoles and remains skeptical of their successors, yet he's interested in developing for Ouya.
Kern has no plans to bring Firefall to a future Sony or Microsoft console and remains skeptical at how successful they'll be. "I have an overall concern about how many people are going to buy these new consoles because everyone now is carrying a tablet, an iPhone, or they're at work on a PC. There's a lot of competition on the web for your attention."
"I think more and more it's hard to justify a separate device to do gaming if - and this is the big qualifier - if you can get that experience or an equivalent experience on something else. That something else hasn't arrived there yet," he said, but cited Ouya as a potential solution.
Kern countered by saying new tech is becoming increasingly affordable. "You can get a tablet for $200 now... the pricing are going to keep coming down." He also noted that people upgrade other devices like phones more frequently than consoles because a lot of those costs are subsidised by carriers.
The big appeal of Ouya to Kern is the open-platform. According to him, the platform holders' closed distribution model is stifling innovation and common household technologies are rendering the current console climate moot.
Comparing this to consoles he explained, "They have to be more open for the cost of entry... If you're only spending $200 maybe two years later you're fine getting another console.""
I don't care if old. So take that elsewhere.
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