[QUOTE="nervmeister"]"Nishikawa noted that for the system's GPU and CPU, Sony appears to be taking the exact opposite approach from the PS3, making use of existing technology. This gives them advantages both in terms of cost and allowing programmers be experienced with the architecture."
Looks like we don't have to worry too much about pricing after all.
what makes you think that, oh just because they use existing tech --psp used existing tech and was 100 more then ds remember that all due to additional accesories we didnt need. . . What is the point in even comparing the 3DS launch line up when devs and pulisher are put in a situation where they cannot discuss such things? They need to create quality games for the NGP so they need some time then they can announce all that they will put into the device. At this point in time comparing libraries isn'there or there. There could be arguments about which has better first party brands however, that is hardly the point of discussion because still scripting, game play and other things tied with that are TBA for either side (e.g. Kid icarus and Little Big Planet).
Also, the PSP used MIPS R4000. If a list can be compared between: joint partners with MIPS for the R400 model with consumer end products vs. the joint partner ships with the ARM cortex A9 model and consumer end products . . . than a proper conclusion could be made.Other wise, the opinion that "pspused existing tech" therfore the PSP, " . . was 100 more thends"is invalid as one has not been proven as the root cause as the other. The same must be proved for the statment "all due to additionalaccesorieswedidntneed" is very vague and unclear. Please elaborate and provide proof to your logic!
The rest of your points seem to be tangents based off of the premise (which has already proven as faulty and lacking facts) so if you can please clarify; there will be a bit more to understand where you are coming from.
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