Is this how the franchise has always been? If so, then why is there so much praise for these games? I'll list the problems for Devil May Cry 4. I haven't played the other DMC games (but I read the 2nd one is actually the worst), so I'll reserve judgement on those. Here are the problems with DMC4...
1. Horrible camera. Sometimes you can control the camera, many times you can't though. And the times you can't control the camera, a majority of the time, the camera angles are just terrible.
2. Unbalanced as all heck. Sometimes the game is ridiculously easy, then it becomes harder at the most random times, then it becomes easier again.
3. The terrible heavy metal riff that plays everytime enemies are in the area.
4. Incredibly linear. It is so linear that I feel like I'm almost on rails at times.
5. Tons of invisible walls.
6. Cheesy voice acting, over-the-top and cheesy dialog.
7. Nero is just not interesting.
Please tell me the other DMC games aren't just like this...
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