Game comes out March 6th
The game will run in 720p at 30 frames per second
Been working on the game for 2 years
New Demo coming out soon (demo will be faster and more refined)
Game is 18GB compressed 2:1 (CELL can decompress the data faster than it can read it)
Uses all of the Cell’s SPE’s
Direct Quote: "We are using all of the SPU processors and all of the memory. We also use most of the Blu-Ray disk (thank god its not a DVD!). We are confident however that we can still sqeeze a great deal more out of the PS3 and as we found by making World Rally Championship for PS2 every yeat for 5 years, doubling the visual through put is not unusual on EVERY ITTERATION!) - yes, it even amazes us!"
Had one programmer exclusively just for the physics (Havok)
Voice chat with Bluetooth and USB HS
7 Vehicle Classes (ATV, Bike, Buggy, Racing Truck, Rally Car, Mud Plugger & Big Rig) and each class has 5 styles
1 player for offline 12 for online
8 Tracks
Direct Quote: "MotorStorm features 8 tracks. Each of these tracks vary in size but are far bigger than your average racing game with multiple routes. These routes that can also only be accessed by certain vehicles. This gives each track a unique flavour every time you play it with a different vehicle."
Lots of downloadable content coming
16 vehicles (including player) can be on at the same time (assuming this is for offline mode)
Night Racing via Moon Light (No head lights or stadium lighting)
Custom sound tracks will be added later if the demand is there
Kick Ass Soundtrack (Nirvana, Slipknot, Queens of the Stone Age, Wolfmother, Primal Scream, and the Reverand Horton Heat) Some tracks can be only heard no where else
On-line mode restricted to regions (sucks!) No American players vs European players
Direct Quote: "At launch US players will only be able to play against other US players. We made a very careful decision on this based on the latencey the user may experience when playing over such distances. We had to ensure this was at a minimum to ensure the chaotic nature of MotorStorm was retained during online play."
Ranked Play
Direct Quote: "Ranked play will be based on the players form rather than their total experience. Every single race played online will contribute to the players stats which will affect their rankings (and yes that does include if you quit from the game mid-session!!) that'll give you a named rank such as zero, hero, legend, god etc...but only a few will be able to hold the best ranks in the game."
"MotorStorm online uses a lobby based system where the players look through all the games currently online and choose the one that best suites them. We do have a ranking system, but unlike previous ranking systems you may have seen we base ours on the players current form rather than their total experience. This means that it isn't just a case of putting in the hours to top the rankings, you'll need to race well consistently."
No PSP connectivity
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