Recent feedback indicates the new frame-rate issues appear most prominently on the Stonehaven level, with explosions and alpha-based effects appearing to cause these fluctuations. The reports are somewhat worrying, given that the Xbox One version of Ghosts previously had no notable frame-rate problems outside of the campaign mode, with online multiplayer featuring action mostly locked at 60fps with very few dips in performance. While resolution may be unimpressive at 720p, Ghosts on Xbox One mostly delivered the 60fps gameplay that defines the series.
Bearing in mind that reports on game patches tend to be based purely on perception, we decided to run some fresh multiplayer captures through our analysis tools in order to get to the bottom of the issue. We loaded up the standard Team Deathmatch mode and recaptured gameplay on some of the key maps allegedly affected by the update, while also introducing Stormfront into the mix - a stage that features regular alpha effects in the form of frequent rain.
Kicking off with a look at Stonehaven, it's immediately obvious that things are not quite right. While the game does indeed hit 60fps in this stage, frame-rates are dramatically impacted when the whole level is in view, with metrics varying between 46-60fps as we run across the landscape. As frame-rates fall below the desired 60fps target, we also see the appearance of some screen-tear, adding some judder, making drops in smoothness more noticeable.
Meanwhile, aiming down the barrel of a sniper scope can see significant drops down as far as the mid-30s - something we never encountered before in ether next-gen version of Ghosts during multiplayer. As a result of the fluctuating frame-rate we can feel a clear reduction in the responsiveness of the controls, while on a visual level the introduction of stutter impacts the smooth flow traditionally associated with Call of Duty multiplayer action.
TLHBO. Xbone 720p strikes again.
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