- 100 MB patch
- Checkerboard 4K= (1920x2160)
- Not as sharp as a native 4K image but sharper than PS4
- Motion blur should be on to mask artifacts on edges
- PS4 Pro super samples the checkerboard image to 1080p
- AO improved, using settings similar to PC's HBOA
- AF settings bumped up to close to 16X
- Draw distances, shadow resolution, and object pop in are identical to PS4
- PC's highest texture settings and shadow resolution isn't used on Pro (could be upgraded on X)
- Performance take a hit in cutscenes and areas with heavy alpha effects
- It can get dip down to 25 fps on Pro
- Can't avoid the fps dips by switching to 1080p
- Cpu intensive areas of the game are handled better than PS4 and does not drop frames in areas that did on PS4
- Most of the game runs at 30fps with less hiccups on Pro
- PS4 Pro patch likely possible thanks to Xbox One X
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