I know similar topics have been posted before, but has anyone ever looked at the good and bad comparisons of each?
For example as we all know Diablo 3 has a plethora of more loot then probably any game in the genre, especially Skyrim.
However Diablo 3 also forces you to clear an entire area thoroughly in order to get the max amount of XP points and loot from that area.
Where as Skyrim allows you to fast travel to the area of your choice, choose a particular quest or location and collect various loot.
Combat system belongs to Diablo 3 hands down, a Diablo 3 character can rain down lightning and various other multiple attacks with virtually no slowdown. Skyrim you can shoot flames at one wolf and the framerate drops to a near freeze up.
So there is a lot to be said for the linear and the free roam on each side......anyone else have valid points for either side?
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