Halo was a huge dissapointment. The story was short and the online was weak. I just dont like the fact that its so unrealistic. It takes almost two clips from an assault rifle to kill someone... The forge and movie editor sounded better than they were... And overall, I got tired after a week.
Anyone else get bored of it quickly?
(Im not trolling, just wondering if anyone else experienced this.)
The assault rifle kills in less than one clip if you know how to aim. I'm still playing through the campaign solo, on legendary (no more than 6 hours a week, up to 15 hours now). I've been playing the online since it released and I'm still having a ball. It really all depends on what you're looking for though. I played through COD4 in a few days and sold it to a co worker, I thought it was an awsome game, not especially realistic (like VEGAS) but still pretty cool.
Halo is like a very slow moving UT3, the game has shields that you have to deplete before you can kill, so I recomend using an alien weapon for the shields, then finish with a rifle.
Part of what keeps me coming back is the ranking system, I am still chasing down higher ranks and medals that I haven't gotten, also, it's a lot of fun playing with friends. You can't fly in banshees with COD4, there are no lazers or warthogs either. Those things are fun.
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