@Ballroompirate said:
@princeofshapeir said:
@Ballroompirate: So your only argument that MoP is shit is subscription numbers? Subs have been on a downward trend since Cataclysm. When Mists of Pandaria was announced there was a big negative outcry that only hurt WoW, coupled with 4.3 and Dragon Soul, the worst raid Blizzard has put out. Using declining subscription numbers to argue MoP is bad is so flawed: nothing Blizzard can do at this point will bring subscriptions back to Wrath levels.
Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar are the best raids Blizzard has put out since Ulduar and ICC. On the whole MoP has had the best raiding content of any expansion since TBC, and few who have actually gone through it would disagree.
Only argument, are you serious? have you not seen the QQ on the forums (official WoW forum and MMO-Champion forum) on how much shyt MoP has gotten?
Let's go down the list
*Decline of subs
*Piss poor state of PvP (the worst that's it's ever been), in fact the whole pvp side of the game needs to be redone when you got God Mode healers, endless CC with barely to no DR and that's just listing a few issues.
*A craptastic Legendary chain that's designed to be the most absurd RNG system in the game that's built around months of farming stupid shyt that has NOTHING TO DO with getting the cloak (seriously I need to prove myself for weeks on getting valor?, then I need to when in two specific battlegrounds?)
*The seal/charm system, while it's gotten better over the expansion it was so ******* bad at the start of MoP and still needs to be fixed. I'll also add the loot system needs to be fixed to this since nothing is more annoying than wasting one of you seals on a item/extra roll just to get the SAME ITEM YOU HAVE.
Official forums and MMOC forums are a complete shitpile, they will always be flooded with whiners and complainers; it's not like people who want to praise the game make topics.
Decline of subs was already addressed, it isn't an accurate indicator of an expansion's quality at all. The real drop came during Cataclysm and a big part of that was the year-long gap from ICC to Cataclysm, Dragon Soul to Mists--and the disappointment that Cataclysm was as an expansion.
PvP is nothing but a minigame in WoW, sorry. The real game is raiding. I agree that PvP has been broken for much of the expansion, but if you're really playing this game for PvP and will call MoP trash for broken PvP when the PvE content is so good, you're playing the wrong game.
I agree with you on the legendary chain, and I will say that the legendary cloak (or "crutch cloak") becomes something of a necessity if you're in a guild that's serious with progression, particuarly if you tank or heal. It's a stupid, pointless grind that is unfriendly to alts. But the legendary chain, while annoying, doesn't negate the quality of MoP's raids.
The personal loot system is nothing new. It's RNG. It's in there to prevent loot drama and loot trading in LFR and Flex. Again, if you can't handle RNG having the possibility of giving you the same item twice, you're playing the wrong game; shit like only Shaman gear dropping off two bosses in a row was what my guild sees occasionally in our 10M group, and stuff like that has been in the game since day one.
I'd like to think people assess an expansion's quality primarily on the quality of raids. MoP's raid content has been really good, Cataclysm's was mostly bad, WOTLK's was okay thanks to Ulduar and ICC, and TBC's was stellar.
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