Think about this. What is the flag ship game for next gen graphics on consoles? Gears of War. What system is that on? 360. What was the hype about PS3? OMGWTF I'LL SELL MY SOUL TO BUY THIS SYSTEM graphics. Has the PS3 delivered this yet? No. So when people were like ok the next gen is here now where are the next gen games they saw Gears of War on 360 and were blown away. This gave the 360 a lot of momentum going into '07. Yes the PS3 was in its first year and yes we all know first years are lackluster but the average consumer doesn't know all this about industry. They just know what they see on commercials and what they see their friends playing. Not everyone are gaming nerds most are just casuals who want the next big thing. The next big thing was on 360 and only 360, soon to be PC, and thats what they saw and wanted.
So now fastforward to '07. What game is still the flag ship game for next gen graphics on console? Gears of War. So the big PS3 selling point isn't there. THe 360 is proving to have every bit of muscle as the PS3. The devs knew this but Sony in their folly tried to downplay it. While the PS3 was in its infancy the 360 delivered the biggest blockbuster of this generation so far. And it wasn't Halo. It was a game completely different from Halo. This was HUGE. Consumers saw this and took notice. Why shoul I pay top dollar for a system when I can pay less and get graphics like Gears of War? Thats a damn good question. Sony's only answer was a price cut after being out for less than year. OUCH!
So now the prices are basically even. But M$ had another pocket ace, Halo 3. Hate it or love it Halo 3 is HUGE. Its a bonofied system seller. So PS3 took a price cut but guess what Halo 3 is out. More momentum from Sony lost simple as that. When Halo drops everything gets pushed aside.
So now lets look at the christmas season for '07 where there is a lot of competition. 360's resume is extensive. PS3 is just starting to hit its stride. But what game, yes it will be a game not a price cut, will give Sony enough momentum going into '08. Is it UT3? Who knows if that will even be out by the end of the year. Will it be RnC? Maybe. COD4? That multiplat and its a shooter meaning that it will be bigger on 360 by default. Any JRPGs coming out? not sure. Uncharted? Now this game is the one I think could be it although game play vids haven't been overwhelming it is definately eye candy. Gran Tourismo 5? Another possible blockbuster. 360 still has Halo 3, Gears of War, Bioshock, Mass Effect, and the multiplat and as an established system it has popularity to back it up which PS3 doesn't have.
So going into '08 PS3 WILL start to show the games but will it be too little to late? If it can build enough of an installed base going into '08 it could really catch fire with games like MGS4, Killzone 2 as its graphical bluckbuster, Final Fantasy 1231232 as it JRPG coming out. The PS3 isn't dead but it has a lot of catching up to do. To me the biggest franchise playstation has is none of these games. Its God of War. I'm predicting that the whenver the new God of War drops how good and how pretty a game it is will make or break the PS3. If God of War doesn't do it then the PS3 is in trouble. Because 360 games will only continue to get better. Only delussional fanboys think the 360 has reached its limits.
So in short. Gears of War blindsided Sony. They talked a good game about how awesome the PS3 is but the reality was Gears of War did next gen awesomeness first and it was a 360 exclussive. It took all the momentum and hype away from the PS3 and put it in a state of catch up. Without it the PS3 might have gotten out the gates faster. But the console race is a marathon not a sprint but you CANNOT deny that having a head start has put the 360 in the superior position and was nothing but a GREAT business move. Why invest in new technology when the next generation could have been brought earlier with existing technology already. The hardware was already there. M$ had the forsite and savvy to see this and took full advantage of it. So far in this generation they are schooling Sony on how to run a gaming business. They also got lucky. Bedcause if it wasn't for their relationship with Epic during the xbox years Gears of War would never have been an exclussive.
Just some food for thought.
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